Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about the most recent weekly parsha (Beshalach) and what happened after the Sea split. The Jews complained that there was no potable water – that the water was bitter. Rabbi Kaplan points out that it wasn’t the water that was bitter but that the People were bitter because Moshe dragged them away from collecting more riches from the dead Egyptians. We conclude from this that it usually isn’t the “bad” situations that are bitter in our life but our perspective is bitter. An attitude of gratitude is the solution to our bitterness.
Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – Humorous explanation of the engagement of Beshalach. Bo is where we (the Jewish people) agree to marry Hashem, Yisro is the marriage (at Mount Sinai). So Beshalach is sandwiched between is the engagement. This is the time we establish trust that Hashem is always with us. Shabbat Shalom!
Starting out the week with a Q&A with Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz through the Rabbi’s vast knowledge and depth of Torah offers such balanced, well thought out, compassionate yet conservative approach to halachic questions by the Rabbi’s students. Here are some examples of the questions addressed in the video:
-Should a ger (convert to Judaism) say “shelo asani goy” (that I was not made a non-Jew)?
-What is the Jewish view of acupuncture, qi, etc?
-What is the importance of physical beauty?
-Should one eat while learning?
-How could the Day of Judgment, filled with fear, fall on Shabbos, filled with rest?
-Should a religious person commit tax evasion in Israel?
-What are the halachic considerations of moving a parent into a nursing home?
Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit share in this !Short Clip! a very easy path to improving your connection to Hashem through intention while doing mitzvot. Simple approach.
If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@OhrSomayach
This Rabbi in this !Short Clip” shares that the Alter Rebbe (the founder of Chabad chasidus) tells us in the Tanya that everything we do really does matter and we can change all of existing with one difference in our actions – this can be viewed as scary or empowering (or both):
Rabbi Mendel Kessin shares how the “irrationality” of Hashem during Akeida Yitzchak (the Binding of Isaac) towards Avraham Avinu is the shield the Jews have had since then from all the sins. Our loyalty to Hashem as Jews exemplified by Avraham Avinu is with us even today.
In this shiur by Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz on the weekly parasha show all aspects of the splitting of the sea and how we can relate in directly to modern times. There are a lot of parallels that we can learning from.
Hope you enjoyed this summary and the videos. If you are interested in receiving these Torah-Share.com posts via email please subscribe here: http://torah-share.com/subscribe/
Rabbi Moshe Pinto Shlita – Shares with us the underlying reason why Jews attract such wealth and success – the spiritual underpinnings of why that is. Also, what happens when we lose great wealth such as in the time of the Egyptian slavery – when we lose our standing and spirituality. And finally how we attain material and spiritual wealth by doing our part and relying on Hashem.