Chassidut Kabbalah

Seventy Faces – Changing Punctuation and Fundamentals of Kabbalah and Chassidut – Light – Part 6

Rabbi Trugman – Double feature of two videos by Rabbi Trugman revealing deep Chassidic and Kabbalah based secrets in an easy to understand way. I learned a lot from both these videos and they there are parts for both beginners and more advanced listeners. Perfect for before Shabbat!

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Personal Growth Weekly Torah Portion

How We Achieve Life With No Suffering

Rabbi Moshe Pinto Shlita – Shares some really deep chassidic teachings centered around our forefather Yaakov (Jacob) Avinu and how he infused the World to come in this World. Rabbi Pinto shares the story about Yaakov’s ladder dream and resting his head on the stone(s) and how he actually infused his life and brought up the life of the stones (very esoteric information).

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General Torah

Fundamentals of Kabbalah and Chassidut – Time and Space – Part 1 and 2

Rabbi Trugman – Approximately 100 years ago Albert Einstein showed how time and space are intrinsically woven together. Nevertheless, when delving into ancient Jewish texts we see this idea repeat itself a host of times. Fundamentals of Kabbalah and Chassidut – Time and Space – Part 1 and 2, explore a wide range of fascinating Torah sources regarding the unity of time and space.

Personal Thoughts – These two videos bring forth some fascinating ideas about time and space, past and present, and the close relationship between our current scientific theories and Torah concepts.

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