Rabbi Trugman – Shares he signficance of the number 100 in the weekly parasha we read last Shabbat. The gematria of Lech Lecha is 100, Avraham Avinu was 100 years old when he had his son Yitzchak, and Yitzchak harvested 100 fold from the Land of Israel.
Rabbi Pinto – Shares how when the World was created and Adam Harishon sinned by eating from the Tree of Good and Bad – there were root souls scattered all over. Those souls ended up in various different things – both inanimate and living. Each righteousness person that came after that (Chanoch, Noach, Shem, Avraham Avinu, Yitzchak Avinue, Yaakov Avinu, Yoseph Hatzadik, Moshe Rabbeinu) had a role in trying rectify that initial and foundational sin and “re-gather” those lost souls. This video explains in a fascinating way that process from a kabbalistic point of view and how this week’s Torah portion (Lech Lecha) that introduces the first patriarch of the Jewish people (Avraham Avinu) furthers this viewpoint. Also, how we today are continuing that process which will culminate in our personal and collective redemption.
Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares how important it is to give ourselves a break and come to a deep understanding that we are human beings (and not Angels) who make mistakes because that is how we were designed by Hashem. We can start over at any time and let the past mistakes go because all that matters is this moment. As a matter of fact, our spiritual falls are the impetus to our spiritual growth and without the falls there can be no growth.