Personal Growth

You are Worthy! By Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares with us Rabbi Nachman of Breslove teaching about that the struggles we encounter on the path to our spiritual goals are not only part journey but should be celebrated regardless of whether we reach our perceived destination. They are valuable spiritually in and of themselves. This is certainly a hard concept to grasp particularly in our goal success oriented society but might make the “pill” easier to swallow.

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Jewish Holidays

Why is My Life So Chaotic? and New Year, New Life By Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Both these videos are good primers for the days leading up to Yom Kippur. The focus on turning our challenges in life into messages from Hashem to help instead of insurmountable obstacles meant to make your life difficult with no reason.

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Personal Growth

Whatever Was, Was. Now Start Over! By Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares that every moment in life we are brand new again and that when we fall spiritually its only to get closer to Hashem.

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Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus !Short Clip! – Take a Deep Breath and Let HaShem Do the Rest

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Interesting explanation on the 4th and 5th bracha (blessing) in the silent amida on wisdom and connection to Hashem.

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Journey of a Lifetime by Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – In first 15 minutes of this class, Rabbi Kalmus shares with us beginners a very important message that you don’t need to do everything but just do what you can. Just keep moving! Move whatever you can, start wherever you can and if that’s too much yearn to do it in your mind and heart. Just say it just think it – this is the beginning of salvation.

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Personal Growth

The Inherent Point of Good

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Nice motivational video on the inherent good in each one of us regardless of our circumstances and the destructive “Western thought” that is taking away that goodness. In reality there is no despair at all, just be happy! Being joyful always IS the solution.

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Personal Growth

Every Descent is for the Sake of Ascent

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Great video about how we can access and release and divine sparks that are trapped via prayer, saying blessings, and helping another Jew. Rabbi Kalmus further explains how when you are called upon to help another Jew to run at the opportunity because it means your soul to attached to their soul and the divine sparks released benefit both (help others really means help yourself as well).

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Double Feature Monday – Rabbi David Kalmus

Double Feature Monday – Rabbi David Kalmus

These videos focus on how we can find faith during the dark times of life and how we can be uplifted and bring the redemption. That everything comes from Hashem and when redemption comes that will be very clear in hindsight but right now it’s hidden from us.

Emunah In The Nights:

Spiritual Uplifting:

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General Torah

Finding Inner Peace (Re-Post)

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – This is a re-posted lecture from a year about when Rabbi Kalmus had just moved to Eretz Yisroel (Israel). He shares a clear and concise blueprint of the path to inner peace. This can be a major stress reducer and path to freedom to those of us who struggle with day to day life. Highly recommended!

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Jewish Holidays

Monday Marathon – Pesach and More

After several days without video posts – here are plenty of good videos about various topics including of course the upcoming Pesach holiday. Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz mentioned in one of the videos below that Jews tend to (overly/obsessively) focus on cleaning for Pesach to find every last crumb of chametz in a physical sense. However, that’s only half the battle – it’s also important for Jews to uncover and clean the “spiritual” chametz inside of us to help us come to Pesach spiritually clean from our yetzer harah (our inclincation towards evil thoughts and actions).

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz: The Haggadah – The Plan to Achieving Spiritual Liberation

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz: Ask the Rabbi: Modern Orthodoxy & Modesty Rules, Pesach Cleaning, Does God Regret & More

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus: This Could Change Your Life

Rabbi Mendel Kessin: Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #91 | The Tikun Process of Passover – Part 1 [AUDIO]

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