Weekly Torah Portion

Multi Video Feature – Shabbat Shalom – Parashat Balak

Three good videos for Shabbat by Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, Rabbi Dovid Kaplan, and Rabbi Avraham Trugman. Rabbi Breitowitz talks about Bilaam who wanted to curse the Jews but ended up blessing them against his will. Rabbi Kaplan talks about Bilaam showing us the negative of not having the ability to overcome our desire for pleasure when lasting happiness ironically has nothing to do with pleasure. And, Rabbi Trugman speak about Bilaam’s innate ability in finding the right specific moment in time to curse.

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Weekly Torah Portion

The Paradox (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha – Chukas)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about the upcoming weekly parasha (Chukas) – some interesting tidbits including:

The story of Dovid Hamelech (King David) and how he tried to protect himself from the Angel of Death by learning Torah and where it’s alluded to in this parasha.

Keeping our eyes on the long term benefits of doing the right thing and living the right way. Being mocked for being religious Jews but a life of meaning shines through over time.

Not everything in life has to be understood.

Shlomo Hamelech (King Solomon) and Moshe Rabeinu and their lack of understand and understanding of the Red Cow mitzvah expressed in a pasek. Pasek Yud Zion (840 9 lines from bottom) – take from the tamei person the ashes of the chatat – first letter of word latamei, and subsequent words spells limoshe jumble letters it spells shlomo.

Also, two different ways to purify oneself – mikva full immersion otherwise is doesn’t take vs. red cow water only a drop that nicks your ear makes you pure. Represents full change versus a bit at a time – different types of teshuva.

Effort in Torah yields results. Dedicated.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Who Am I (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha – Korach)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about the upcoming weekly parasha (Korach) – and what we can learn from the interactions between Moshe Rabeinu and Korah, Datan, and Aviram.

There is a prohibition to be a rabble-rouser. In other words, stay away from a fight (even if you are right):

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Weekly Torah Portion

Shabbat Shalom! Turn It off and Turn It on (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha – Beha’Aloscha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about what the upcoming weekly parsha. The Menorah represents Torah and Aaron HaKohen lighting the Menorah is like a Torah teacher lighting his students.

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Weekly Torah Portion

What’s in a Name (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha – Bamidbar)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about what the deep meaning behind the names of the tribal leaders in the desert and how we can take those names for our learning for this upcoming weekly Torah reading.

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Jewish Holidays

Climbing the Wick !Short Clip! By Rabbi Dovid Kaplan

Rabbi Dovid Kaplan – Gives a nice short explanation of the oil, wick, and flame and how they represent the Jewish people and Hashem connected by prayer.

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Weekly Torah Portion

LIFE: Not A Choice But The Sum of All Your Choices

Rabbi Dovid Kaplan – Weekly parasha shiur (lecture) with some deep learning about life’s choices woven in to the narrative. Our speech makes us human for good and for bad.

Personal Thoughts – Just found this Rabbi on YouTube and enjoyed his clear, specific, and plain explanations of some deep concepts.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel: