World Events

(Re-Post) The Real Story of X-mas & New Years Eve

This is a re-post of the post from the last three years at this time.

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares the truth behind X-mas & New Years Eve and why Jews should re-consider their current viewpoint and disposition towards them.

Additionally, there is some audio added summarizing a similar position by Rabbi David Kalmus.

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Teshuva After October 7: The Unique Approach to This Year’s Days of Awe | Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen

Rabbi Kelemen – Shares as we approach Rosh Hashanah that this year’s teshuva is different than ever before. This teshuva is taking the path of recognizing our Creator through the unity of Jewish people in the wake of the October 7th tragedy (that is still ongoing). This is different than the teshuva we may have been “used to”. This new path has put us on a path to personal and national redemption.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

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!Short Clips! General Torah Weekly Torah Portion

Multi Video Feature – Rabbi Avraham Trugman, Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit, and Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen

Three videos featuring the yahrzeit of The Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh, the upcoming weekly parasha Pinchas, how to acquire mitzvot while sleeping, and the upcoming beginning of the three weeks of mourning that starts this Thursday.

Three videos featuring the yahrzeit of The Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh, the upcoming weekly parasha Pinchas, how to acquire mitzvot while sleeping, and the upcoming beginning of the three weeks of mourning that starts this Thursday.

Living With The Times – The Ohr HaChayim

Fruits of the Orchard – Pinchas

KLM: Know Hashem in All Your Ways – EVEN WHEN SLEEPING

Bein HaMetzarim: Weeks of Wrath? or Weeks of Love?

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Gedolei Torah

A Glimpse into the Life of Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe 1914-2005 By Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen – Shares the story of Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe and the effect he had on Jews from across the religious and non-religious spectrum. Rabbi Wolbe’s outsized influence on the World is surely something to look up to and strive towards.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

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Other Religions

The Real Story of X-mas & New Years Eve

This is a re-post of the post from last year at this time.

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares the truth behind X-mas & New Years Eve and why Jews should re-consider their current viewpoint and disposition towards them. Perfect timing!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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Personal Growth

Self-Knowledge, Self-Esteem, & Personal Greatness

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares the uniqueness of each one us and our role in the World.

Personal Thoughts: The Rabbi gave me a unique perspective to contemplate on my personal uniqueness and why I am here and what role I have to play. This helps give me direction in a sometimes random-seeming directionless life. Help yourself get a life compass and watch and enjoy.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Other Religions

The Real Story of X-mas & New Years Eve

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares the truth behind X-mas & New Years Eve and why Jews should re-consider their current viewpoint and disposition towards them. Perfect timing!

Personal Thoughts: I had no idea the true background of these two holidays. The Rabbi showed me a clear explanation with solid backing on my somewhat innocuous viewpoint. Glad I became educated. Highly recommended particularly considering the timing. On a side note, here is a somewhat misplaced “Short Clip” that I thought should be categorized here, “The 9th of Teves!?” – Interesting mashal (story) on why the 9th of Tevet was a day of fasting and its relation to Christianity –

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: