Prayer Weekly Torah Portion

Tuesday (!Short Clip!) Double Feature

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Exodus From Egypt !Short Clip!

Avraham Meyer Zajac – Shulchan Aruch, Din Brachos l’Krias Shema !Short Clip!

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Jewish Holidays

Change the World by Learning Torah and Doing Mitzvot

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Great video on the meaning of the fast days throughout the year.

Personal Thoughts – Lots of info packed into this video. Some of the verbiage is a bit hard to understand but overall great.

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Personal Growth Weekly Torah Portion

Double Feature Monday – Rabbi Breitowitz and Rabbi Kalmus

The first video focuses on the two main characters in the beginning of this week’s Torah portion and what they represent globally speaking and how to we can relate this to our history. The second video emphasizes the theme of how we can gain self confidence without arrogance and the benefit this has for our spiritual life.

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz: The Tale of Two Moshiachs – Yehuda the Plower and Yosef the Harvester

Rabbi David Kalmus: The Secret to Self Confidence

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Jewish Holidays


Here are two classes on Chanukah from Rabbi Kessin and Rabbi Breitowitz. Both are very interesting with lots of information on the customs and origins of Chanukah.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Jacob, Angels & The Fight Between Good & Evil

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Shares with us about how this week’s parasha can help us focus on what is really important in your life and is our purpose purposeful. Yaakov Avinu asks Hashem to protect him from Esav and protect him from his brother and what the deep meaning of this is since it appears like double talk since Esav is his brother. Also, there are many additional discussion points in this class.

Personal Thoughts – I have personally experienced a lot of what Rav Breitowitz with some flashbacks sprinkled in there. Why am I on this life journey? Money, profession, etc or is this a spiritual journey?

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Weekly Torah Portion

Do the Ends Always Justify the Means?

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Shares about the weekly Torah Parasha (Tolidot) and a lot of different viewpoints and in depth thoughts about many aspects of the story of Yitzhak, Rivka, Esav, and Yaakov. One example was when Rabbi Breitowitz shared that when Yaakov deceived his father to capture Esav’s blessing with his mother’s help that Yitzhak actually new that Yaakov was standing in front of him and still gave him the blessing. In a sense he was testing Yaakov to see if he had the ability to go against his nature (which was truth) to be able to deal with rough people he would encounter is his life and survive them. The downside is by participating in the deception it affected his future life greatly with many deceptions he had to experience (ie. Lavan, Yosef) in the future parashas we will read in the subsequent weeks. If you are interested to learn more in depth about this parasha please watch the video in full (about 1 hour).

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General Torah Weekly Torah Portion

Double Feature Monday – Rabbi Kessin and Rabbi Breitowitz

Both these two videos teach us some concepts of the Jewish peoples’ root from a spiritual and practical perspective. We can see how these are actualized in the current events or our time. It’s amazing how things come full circle after literally thousands of years.

Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #69 | The Structure of the Neshama [AUDIO] (Rabbi Kessin):

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The Unconditional Covenant with Abraham (Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz):

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Hebrew Months Weekly Torah Portion

The Novel Insight of the Pri Tzadik on MarCheshvan

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Shares about the new Hebrew month of MarCheshvan and even says some say that it is the most important month of the year and all the background and proofs of why that is. Interesting stuff sprinkled throughout the video along with commentary on the weekly Parasha (Noach).

Personal Thoughts – I like how Rabbi Breitowitz brings different perspectives and points throughout his shiurim (classes) to prove our the original premise of the entire video so you get a picture with a variety of viewpoints. Hope you enjoy it. Chodesh Tov! (Happy New Month).

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Jewish Law (Halachah)

What You Need to Know About Shmita – Q&A

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Answers some basic questions in a Q&A format about the upcoming Shmita year (which starts next week).

General Torah

Reuniting with Your Soul in Elul – !ShortClip!

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – This !ShortClip! link starts at the end of the Rabbi’s class and explains the value of teshuva (coming back to Hashem) by embracing your past and utilizing those experiences in your life today.