Jewish Holidays Mussar

Chanukah: The Inner Light – Rav Weinbach Yahrtzeit (Rav Shlomo Weiner)

Rabbi Shlomo Weinter – In the spiritual of Chanukah, shares the difference between Torah wisdom and secular wisdom and how Torah wisdom transforms you internally by improving your midot (character traits) and spirituality. While secular wisdom simply does not. Two totally different approaches to wisdom and life.

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Jewish Holidays

We Need Miracles NOW! & This Will Help Us Get Them – HANUKKAH 2024

This is How to End ALL Wars & Bring Messiah, Mashiach Once and for All

When there is hate & fighting among the Jewish People, sadly God can remove His infinite protection from us. The sages teach us that when there is love and unity among the Jewish people – God in His loving Kindness overlooks our sins and has mercy on us, protecting us from all harm.

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Jewish Holidays

Rav Yitzchak Breitowitz: In The Middle of The Battle – Do Not Give Up!!!

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares some very interesting historical background information on Chanukah including the fact that the story of the oil was only told in writing over 250 years after the miracle of the oil during the time of the Chanukah story. Many other tidbits as well including Chanukah’s relationship with Succot.

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Jewish Holidays

Chanukah: the Holiday of the Messianic Light

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – Shares the deep foundational reason for the upcoming holiday of Chanukah and the messianic light we lost at the sin of the golden calf and the defect it created and how we are and can rectify that defect.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! The Fate Of Damascus In The End Of Days and The Great Downfall Of Syria By Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Shares how the Neviim (Prophets) has already foretold current events as it relates to Damascus (Syria) – in the short clips video. In the second full video, the Rabbi shows how Avraham Avinu and the war of the four/five kings and Chanukah, and current events in Syria are all coming together. Amazing we are living through this right now.

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Jewish Holidays

KLM: How to Celebrate Chanukah in the Midst of War with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares about we can inject intent of doing the mitzvot in Hanukah. This intention helps elevate the power of our actions and prayers influencing ourselves, our families, our communities, and Jews Worldwide.

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Jewish Holidays

Chanukah – Ecstacy of the World to Come I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares about the main way to get connected to Hashem is through saying “thank you” aka as gratitude. Chanukah is a lesson in thank you. Mitzvot are a lesson in thank you. Learning and following halachot (Jewish Law) are a lesson in thank you.

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!Short Clips! Jewish Holidays

!Short Clips! Living With The Times – Current Situation in Israel – Chanukah and Israel Dreaming

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – As Chanukah approaches, Rabbi Trugman tells a story about Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach in the late 70’s in Chicago and summary is that each Jew regardless of how religiously observant they are has a cruve of oil that is pure and can unleash each one’s Jewish soul (just like Chanukah of origin). Now is the time to uncover it!

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Hebrew Months

Wiser Woman Mrs Ora Goldberg Letting In the Light of Kislev

Mrs. Ora Goldberg – Shares some powerful aspects of the current Hebrew month (Kislev), the month of Chanukah. Chanukah commemorates the war against the Greeks paralleling our current War. She strongly connects with our damaged emotional surprise of how shocked we are currently at how much many in World hate us, hate the Jews.

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Jewish Holidays

Climbing the Wick !Short Clip! By Rabbi Dovid Kaplan

Rabbi Dovid Kaplan – Gives a nice short explanation of the oil, wick, and flame and how they represent the Jewish people and Hashem connected by prayer.

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