!Short Clips!

The Incredible Story Behind Daily Giving !Short Clip!

Yoel Gold – Shares an amazing story that emphasizes daily giving. Giving tzedakah as a regular practice regardless of how much you have and how much you give (consistency is key) is the solution to many of life’s everyday problems. The more you give the more you get!

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Weekly Torah Portion

33 Words – Vayechi (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about the previous Weekly Parsha of Vayechi – an interesting tidbit towards the end explaining why Yaakov Avinu “lost” 33 years of his life because of his word exchange with Pharoah (around the 39 minute point of the lecture).

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Gedolei Torah

The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s View on the Security of Israel (Rabbi YY Jacobson)

Rabbi Jacobson – Shares about his experience of listening the the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s regular shiurim which were prescient to our current times (particularly the current War in the Land of Israel). The Rebbe shared the three reasons why we are suffering then (60s/70s/80s) and now. At that time the Rebbe was ridiculed including by government figures. Unfortunately, those things have clearly come true and we are suffering for it today. The “moral of the story” is the solution is becoming connected to the Torah and observing the Torah. All the answers were always there and are still there.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Instant Clarity – Vayigash (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about the upcoming Weekly Parsha of Vayigash – from the climatic meeting between Joseph and Yehuda to why Yaakov’s wife Rachel had to have children who became servants. Finally in the end we will see that every single thing was for the best (when we here “Ani Hashem) just like everything with Joseph being banished and imprisoned to the Jewish people going down to Egypt was for the best.

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Weekly Torah Portion

The Uniqueness of Am Yisrael (Rabbi Zecharia Fruchthandler) (Jewish Understanding)

Rabbi Zecharia Fruchthandler – Shares some deeper aspects of the weekly parashah including how we are currently coming together and unifying as a people Hashem is forcing us to identify as a Jew. Some non-Jews see what is going on while some are. The Rabbi tells the story of Sdom and how the instigators are blinded and still continue to pursue bad (this is analagous to what is happening today). Happiness is doing what we are supposed to do. Now is not the time to be ignorant of our heritage as Jews. Lots of interesting tidbits in this class.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Mikeitz (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares some aspects of the Weekly Parsha – Joseph subjecting his brothers to several trials to bring them to teshuva (repentance) so the planting of the future exodus from Egypt can take place.

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Gedolei Torah

The Story of a Dedicated Life – Rabbi Yitzhak Dovid Grossman

Rabbi Rabbi Yitzhak Dovid Grossman – Basically shares the Rabbi’s life story and how instead of just resting on his laurels and being a big tzaddik, Rabbi Grossman completely transformed into even a bigger tazaddik by going out and helping others as the Rabbi’s lifes work. Amazing and inspiring!

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!Short Clips!

Operation Swords of Iron: How to Cope? Rabbi Zamir Cohen in English (AI)

Rabbi Zamir Cohen – Shares a clean and concise message about hope in our current trying times and the dynamics of what is happening and the promise of the future. The feeling of powerlessness is real and frustrating – Rabbi Cohen gives us hope that it won’t last forever and that the solution is actually encapsulated inside the problem itself.

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Jewish Holidays

KLM: How to Celebrate Chanukah in the Midst of War with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares about we can inject intent of doing the mitzvot in Hanukah. This intention helps elevate the power of our actions and prayers influencing ourselves, our families, our communities, and Jews Worldwide.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Lotus – Vayeishev (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares some aspects of the Weekly Parsha – Joseph being thrown in the pit by his brothers. Why did the brothers do this? Why are there snakes in the pit? Also, what Joseph’s dreams meant for the brothers and the rest of the family? Listen to the class for the answers. Hashem has a plan.

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