!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Major Divine Laws By Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – In this !Short Clips! Rabbi Mizrachi explains the concept of how one benefits not from his actions but from the “fruit” of his actions and also suffers from the “fruit” of his bad actions. We learn this in the very beginning of the Torah with Cain and Abel – when Cain killed Abel, Hashem talks about Cain spilling “bloods” in the plural and not “blood” in the singular – which shows the “fruits” of Cain’s bad actions killing Abel and all his potential descendants.

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The Afterlife

Yahrzeit – 5 Adar I 5784 (ה׳ בַּאֲדָר א׳ תשפ״ד) – Mrs. Rhoda Golden – רחל בת ניסן ז”ל

Today is the Yahrzeit of my Aunt (Mrs. Rhoda Golden – רחל בת ניסן ז”ל) who was niftara (passed on) one year ago today according to the Hebrew calendar. May her neshama have an aliyah (לעילוי נשמת).

Personal Thoughts – My Aunt was a kind and gentle soul who in the 53 years I knew her never saw her to become angry with me or anyone else for that matter. This is a very high midah (character trait) that is almost unheard of. In the process over the past year of saying kaddish for her everyday in Shul (the Synagogue) I got to develop an even deeper relationship with her, spiritually speaking. Hoping her neshama has an aliyah (her spirit reaches greater heights in gan eden (heaven)).

It is suggested by our Sages to learn some Torah in her honor on her yahrtzeit as this elevates the soul of the deceased. You can find many opportunities to read or watch a video here on or many other websites on the Internet such as or

If you are interested in learning more about the Jewish way of celebrating the anniversary of one’s passing please feel free to go to this link:

!Short Clips! Weekly Torah Portion

!Short Clips! Living With The Times – Secrets of the Menorah and The Relevance of the Temple in Jerusalem

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares the secrets of the Menorah in the Temple and how it parallels many things in Jewish life including the human body itself. It serves as a Jewish symbol – physically and spiritually. Ultimately the light from Menorah is the Jewish people’s light to the World.

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares how the Synagogue today is a replication of the Temple and how all the items in the Synagogue are situated to parallel how the items in the Temple were. Additionally, the prayer service of today also parallels the services in the Temple (including the Korbanot (sacrifices), the songs the Leviim sang (Tehillim – Psalms), and the Kohen service).

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! The Underlying Message of the Entire Torah – Parshas Mishpatim – Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Shares about why the very first mitzvah after Har Sinai (Mount Sinai) concerns a slave who wants to stay with his master after his six years of servitude is over. His master puts the slaves ear to the doorpost and puts a hole in his ear. Why? This short video explains it and the overarching importance of what it means to be a slave to a master and to THE MASTER, Hashem.

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Weekly Torah Portion

חידושים מרתקים בפרשת משפטים – השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב

הרב תומר ישראלוב בשיעור מרתק וחידושים מרתקים בפרשת משפטים. גם פרשת שבוע שאקטואלית. כי תראה את חמור שונאך רובץ תחת משאו. פרשת משפטים תשפ”ד, דיני עבד עברי.
דינים של בין אדם לחברו.
לאחר הסיפור העוצמתי של מתן תורה שמופיע בפרשת יתרו, פרשת משפטים כוללת דווקא ציווים ורשימת דינים העוסקים בהתנהלות שבין אדם לחברו. עם זאת, בסוף הפרשה מובאים פרטים נוספים בסיפור מתן תורה – מאורעות שקרו לפני ואחרי המעמד בהר סיני.

שני נהגי מונית נקלעים לריב בתחנת רכבת! כי תראה חמור שונאך…

כיצד נהגי המונית יצאו מהריב שלהם? מה הם צריכים לעשות כדי להשלים? סיפור מרתק של בין אדם לחברו. פרשת משפטים מסבירה לנו “כי תראה חמור שונאך רובץ תחת משאו…” פרשת משפטים תשפ”ד.
דינים של בין אדם לחברו.
לאחר הסיפור העוצמתי של מתן תורה שמופיע בפרשת יתרו, פרשת משפטים כוללת דווקא ציווים ורשימת דינים העוסקים בהתנהלות שבין אדם לחברו. עם זאת, בסוף הפרשה מובאים פרטים נוספים בסיפור מתן תורה – מאורעות שקרו לפני ואחרי המעמד בהר סיני.

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!Short Clips! Shabbat Weekly Torah Portion

!Shabbat Shalom – Short Clips! Mishpatim – Living Intentionally | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – In this relatively complicated and technical short video Rabbi Orlofsky is able to zoom out and explain how all this is relevant to us today. We tend to walk through life without intention to do damage but through our ignorance we do a lot of damage. This parasha of technical laws helps us uncover knowledge, reduce our ignorance, and do less damage which benefit the World at large.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Why Are Human Rights Absent in The Torah? Parshat Mishpatim – Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair

Rabbi Yaakov Asher Sinclair – In this short video, Rabbi Sinclair shares the Torah’s view on obligations and the absence of it saying anything about rights. This breeds givers instead of takers. If we focus on our obligations our viewpoint individually and as a society would be much different than if we focused on our rights. The Torah in this week’s portion focuses exclusively on our obligations.

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Personal Growth

Finding Happiness I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares about where we are going – the next World is pulling us there and where do we find this? Shabbos! All the painful things in our life are only painful because we forget where we are going. Once we remember where we are going (Shabbos) then the pain has a purpose. Also, Rabbi Kalmus talks about that we need to fear and need to love – its our choice what to fear and what to love.

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Weekly Torah Portion

KLM: Mitzvot of Parsha Mishpatim – What is Kedusha? How To Be Holy! with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares about the upcoming weekly Torah parasha called Mishpatim. This parasha talks about Jews being a special distinguished people. In modern times Jews are experience a huge increase in anti-semitism. Rabbi Wegbreit askes what is “good” about this? Because it helps remind us that we are Jewish. Some Jews have forgotten this and now Hashem is reminding us. What we do with that information is now our responsibility.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Freedom and Torah (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares about the two stage process of the Jews – both leaving Egypt and then getting the Torah on Mount Sinai. These events are not only related but are intertwined together and a necessary pair where one cannot live without the other. The analogy Rabbi Breitowitz uses is like a bird giving birth in two stages – first is laying the egg and the second is the egg hatching – without both stages there is no live birth – same as the Jewish people.

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