
The Secret To Crafting The Perfect Answer (Ep. 268) | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – Shares the concept of learning how to not focus on answering a question but on answering a questioner since each one has different motivations when asking questions. This helps us avoid getting stuck and stumbling at best and confrontational at worst. Good tips for Rabbis and regular folks alike.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! The Shocking Truth About Assimilation & Intermarriage – Rabbi Yehudah Silver

Rabbi Yehudah Silver – Shares the powerful statistics of the enormity of the assimilation/intermarriage issue dwarfing the impact of even the Shoah (Holocaust). This !Short Clip! video discusses the problem, will post the why in some future videos B’H. Stay tuned.

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General Torah

Man and Woman – Together Apart | The Official Podcast of Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares some insights about the root of everything is sourced when it appears in the Torah including the husband/wife relationship. Another example shared is our growth in this World and how it affects our next World is analogous to the story of a fruit tree from the Midrash. A fruit tree originally was supposed to be edible (the bark and the fruit) but the tree “disobeyed” Hashem so to speak and did not follow those instructions. Therefore, a tree has to go through a lengthy growth period until is bears fruit that we can eat. The Midrash further states that in the next World the originally designed fruit tree will be the reality where both the fruit and the bark will all have the taste of the fruit. Rabbi Tatz says we can learn from this that the work we put it in this World will determine our next World exactly. Not that our next World starts our “vacation”. Similar to the analogy of if we want food for Shabbat we need to prepare beforehand otherwise we won’t have any. If we want a blissful next World we need to put in the work in this one – focusing on the three pillars on which this World is built upon (Torah, upon divine service, and upon acts of kindness).

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!Short Clips!

How To Stop Being Jealous and Start Living | Soul Talk By Rabbi David Aaron

Rabbi David Aaron – Shares in this brief interview about jealousy, that the jealous person doesn’t have an issue with another person but that the core issue is they have an issue with Hashem. Therefore, connecting with the core issue and being grateful with what we do have will ultimately solve the internal jealousy.

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Weekly Torah Portion

The Push at the Bush – Shemos (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about the weekly Parsha (Shemos) including when Moshe Rabbeinu at the burning bush which teaches us today on how to be flexible on our approach to life if new information comes along that can cause us to change directions for the better. My take on reality up until this point may have been in error.

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Weekly Torah Portion

פרשת שמות: תחשוב על אחרים לא על עצמך! השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב

איך לומדים מהפרשה שצריך לחשוב על אחרים? איך משה רבינו שמער על עמ”י? השיעבוד מתחיל, משה רבינו הופך להיות מנהיג האומה, מהלך אדיר בפרשת השבוע שמות.
השיעור האחרון בסדרה של פרשות השבוע.
שנה שלמה של שיעורים כל שבוע.
חומש שמות.
השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב.
אל תפספסו! 📘✨

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! A Tribute To Our Rebbe Rav Avrohom Rockmill Ztz”l

Rabbi Avrohom Rockmill Ztz”l – At the 2:44 time stamp in this video, Rabbi Rockmill shares what the story of Avraham Avinu and him giving himself a brit mila (circumcision) at age 100 is teaching us today. “The kindness from Hashem never ends and Avraham Avinu understood this and emulated that in his life – there is NO break from chesed, there is NO vacation from being kind. We don’t take off from being fine people.” Powerful message!

2:44 time stamp:

Full video:

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Personal Growth

Overthinking vs Underthinking (Ep. 266) | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – Shares two important concepts: The first about the issue yeshios (which is asking for miracles). The Rabbi concludes its important not to ask for life changing miracles unless it is life or death issue since our ability to ask for these things is limited. The second is in the Q&A towards the end about the sin of Adam Harishon and how the yetzer hara (the snake) had to convince him to sin with a intellectual argument that it’s best to sin and then repent.

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Weekly Torah Portion

I Wish I Was a Fish – Vayechi (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares how the sons of Joseph (Manaseh and Ephraim) actions teach us the proper brotherly love without the need for jealousy and also how as parents we go to where our kids are at instead of insisting they come to we are. Acceptance of our kids path being unique to them instead of an extension of our own creates the space for healthy spiritual and mental growth.

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Weekly Torah Portion

פרשת ויחי: למה יעקב לא גילה את הקץ? השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב

למה פרשת ויחי היא מתחילה בפרשה סתומה? למה יעקב לא גילה את הקץ? מהם הגימטריות של קץ הימים? יעקב מברך את מנשה ואפרים, יעקב אוסף את השבטים, מהלך אדיר בפרשת השבוע ויחי. יעקב, יוסף, מנשה, אפרים.
חומש בראשית.
השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב.
אל תפספסו! 📘✨

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