Jewish Holidays

The True Greatness of Purim By Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – Shares about the root learnings of the upcoming Purim holiday – the meaning behind all the mitzvot and also the significance of this specific Purim: it being a three day holiday, on a lunar eclipse, and on a blood moon.

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General Torah

Rav Yitzchak Breitowitz: What is the significance of being honest in business over keeping Shabbos or other Mitzvos?

Rabbi Breitowitz – In the first few seven minutes of this video, the Rabbi shares how important honesty is in business to being a religious Jew – so much so that our Sages say that is the very first question Hashem will ask us when we pass on. Why is this the first question, why is it so important, and how is it related to our life today? There are five additional questions we will also be asked – watch the video to hear what they are.

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Torah Stories

Journeys Through the Books of the Prophets – I Shmuel By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Trugman – Shares some interested insights of the Tanach book Shmuel. It also included the first Israel king (Shaul) and his initial interactions with Shmuel. Very interesting beginning of how Jewish Kingship started.

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Personal Growth

Be Proactive: Habit 1 – The 7 Habits With a Jewish Flavor – Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld

Rabbi Avi Wiesenfeld – The foundation core of all future human development is the habit of being proactive. Rabbi Wiesenfeld discusses the different between being proactive (being responsible for my reactions – the ability to respond) vs reactive (being controlled). Every person has a choice how we react.

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