Jewish Holidays

Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #89 | Purim and the Power of G-d AUDIO

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – Shares some deep concepts about Purim and how important it is to the Jewish people and how to approach it to get the most out of it. The power of Purim can change our whole perspective about our past, our present, and our future.

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Jewish Holidays

KLM: Want more Kavanah for Purim? Prep for Purim

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares how we can prepare for Purim before it starts and plan out intention in advance. This will result in a more meaningful and connected experience. More bang for your spiritual buck! Also see the extra bonus post attachments to reference.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website:

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Hebrew Months Jewish Holidays

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein: The Month From the Days of Moshiach – Something FISHY about Adar

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – The Rabbi starts his class at about the 5:00 minute mark of the video after a relatively lengthy introduction. Great explanation about the month of Adar and the Purim story and how it relates to remembering the Beis Hamikdash’s destruction. First time posting a video of Rabbi Glatstein – the depth of the discussion was fascinating.

Click here for more videos from this Rabbi’s on Yiboneh’s YouTube Channel:

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Jewish Holidays

Change the World by Learning Torah and Doing Mitzvot

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Great video on the meaning of the fast days throughout the year.

Personal Thoughts – Lots of info packed into this video. Some of the verbiage is a bit hard to understand but overall great.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

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Jewish Holidays

KLM The Mitzvot of Chanukah – Mastering Appreciation and Gratitude

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – In this video, the Rabbi shows us how we can actually do something for Hashem (which seems kind of weird). We can “help” him by publicizing the miracle(s) of Chanukah by lighting our Chanukias (Menorahs). This lighting shows others that we are testifying that Hashem did this miracles for us. The next key the Rabbi reveals is we also need to understand ourselves that we are publicizing the miracle(s) instead of just lighting for lighting sake. So if we understand and we show others than we more fulfill our role in the Chanukah miracle(s) and our places in the story as well.

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Jewish Holidays Prayer

Powerful secrets about Chanuka that will change your Chanuka experience completely

Rabbi Alon Anava – Continues this week’s Chanukah theme by sharing some deep secrets of how we can tap into the power of Chanukah and amplify the likelihood of our prayers being answered. The Rabbi gives us specific actionable guidance on how to approach lighting the candles to get the most out of the experience (instead of just going through the motions). Very helpful and interesting class.

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Jewish Holidays


Here are two classes on Chanukah from Rabbi Kessin and Rabbi Breitowitz. Both are very interesting with lots of information on the customs and origins of Chanukah.

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General Torah Jewish Holidays Weekly Torah Portion

Double Feature Monday – Rabbi Trugman and Rabbi Mizrachi

Although these two videos are from the readings at the end of the Torah they still have some relevant ideas we can take into the post Chagim (Jewish Holidays) timeframe. Both present some valuable information to improve ourselves in this New (Jewish) Year. Our Sages emphasize for us to take what we learned during the Chagim (Jewish Holidays) and sprinkle those ideas throughout this upcoming Year so that what we learned is not only internalized but dispersed in practice through higher mitzvah observance and improved Midot (character traits).

Vezot HaBracha – Growing Through Deuteronomy (Rabbi Trugman):

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Make Torah Life A Top Priority – In Pico, Beverly Hills, LA (Rabbi Mizrachi):

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Jewish Holidays

Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #66 Sukkot Our Guarantee Into the Future World – AUDIO

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – Shares some very deep and specific information on what the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot means and represents to us today.

Personal Thoughts – Most of the information presented I never really heard before and it really opened my eyes to the true meanings of Sukkot and how interesting it really is. A little late as Sukkot is almost over but still relevant. Loved it – hope you will too!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

Jewish Holidays

Real People UnReal Stories: The Best Weapon for Yom Kippur-Judgement Day! (!Short Clips!)

Rabbi David Kaplan – In this short video Rabbi David Kaplan explains the importance of of forgiveness and how it can help us on the day of judgement, Yom Kippur.

Personal Thoughts – The best way to be forgiven is first to forgive. Also reminds me of the phrase: seek to understand rather than be understood.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel: