Jewish Holidays

Rosh Hashanah: Which is Your Real Life?

Rabbi Jonathan Rietti – Shares with us how to differentiate between this World (“the world of lies”) and the next World (“the world of truth”).

Personal Thoughts – Good info to have leading up to Rosh Hashanah in a few days on which life to focus on that will bring us the most benefit.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

Jewish Holidays

KLM Giving the Most Precious Gift to The King of Kings this Rosh Hashana

Rabbi Wegbreit – Shares with us some things to think about deeply before and leading up to Rosh Hashanah.

Jewish Holidays

Rosh HaShanah: The Heavenly Day of Judgment (In Hebrew with English Subtitles – בעברית עם כתוביות באנגלית)

Jewish Holidays

Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #60 Rosh Hashana The Evaluation of Your Tikun Standing AUDIO

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – Shares some very interesting perspectives on Rosh Hashanah and how we can really take advantage of such a great opportunity we have before us that is happening in just a couple weeks.

Personal Thoughts – I never really heard information like this presented about Rosh Hashanah and it gave me some real interest in learning more. In the recent past Rosh Hashanah always felt more obligation than opportunity. Grateful for the renewed perspective of this audio class.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

Jewish Holidays

How does the 9 days affect the upcoming year!

Rabbi Moshe Pinto – The 9 days are officially over and our focus turns to one of the most joyful parts of the year. The Talmud says that there are not better days in the whole year than the two days of Tu B’Av (the 15th of Av – which is on this coming Shabbat) and Yom Kippur. However, this particular video has so many interesting and uplifiting points that we can learn from and help us throughout the rest of the year I didn’t want to let it pass until next year to post. Hope you enjoy it.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

Jewish Holidays

Reading Megillat of Eicha on Tisha B’Av

Tisha B’Av is observed Saturday night after Shabbat. It is a day of mourning for many tragedies in Jewish history including the destruction of both Temples. Many of the videos I posted recently explain some aspects. It is customary to recite/read/listen to the book of Eicha on Saturday night after the evening prayer (Maariv) after Shabbat is over.

PDF of Eicha in English and Hebrew –

If you are interested in more videos please visit this YouTube Channel:

Jewish Holidays

Unity: The Road from Destruction to Salvation

Rabbi Fischel Shachter – Shares some unique perspectives on how to turn destruction (those negative challenges in our lives) to salvation (the positive results of those negative challenges). Helps answer the common question of “why is this happening to me?”

Personal Thoughts – This video taught me a lot about perspective (the big picture) when going through tough life challenges. Don’t quit five minutes before the miracle!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

Jewish Holidays

Triple Topic Thursday

Posting three different videos on the topic of the Three Weeks – each giving its own valuable insight and perspective on this trying period of time in Jewish history until today.

Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller – The Meaning of Tisha B’Av and What it Should Mean to You

Rabbi Trugman – Seasons of the Soul – Why Calamities Reoccur During The Three Weeks

Rabbi Eliezer Botton – Laws of the Three Weeks

Jewish Holidays

Seasons of the Soul – The Three Weeks

Rabbi Trugman – Shares with us some more esoteric wisdom about the Three Weeks.

Personal Thoughts – There are many different ways to teach about the Three Weeks and due to the content it tends to be very negative. I enjoyed the way the Rabbi didn’t beat down the topic again and gave it a more uplifting hopeful bent on this period of time in Jewish History.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Jewish Holidays

Seasons of the Soul – Preparation for the three weeks

Rabbi Trugman – Shares with us a great synopsis of what the Three Weeks are about (both what happened historically during this period of time and the customs we observe now).

Personal Thoughts – Many people have asked me in the past to explain the Three Weeks – what they mean, what happened, and why it matters. This video lecture gives a good concise explanation. Yesterday started the period of the Three Weeks, so if things tend to lean negative there is a spiritual explanation for it.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: