Jewish Holidays Mussar

Chanukah: The Inner Light – Rav Weinbach Yahrtzeit (Rav Shlomo Weiner)

Rabbi Shlomo Weinter – In the spiritual of Chanukah, shares the difference between Torah wisdom and secular wisdom and how Torah wisdom transforms you internally by improving your midot (character traits) and spirituality. While secular wisdom simply does not. Two totally different approaches to wisdom and life.

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Divine Light And Divine Darkness – In Los Angeles By Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Great lecture about the writings of the Ramchal and the importance of a spiritually based life. Also, lots of scientific proofs and discussions and their relation and affects to our spirituality. A fascinating talk.

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Rabbi Mizrachi In Pico, LA – A Healthy Home by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Great lecture about a healthy and vibrant marriage and the proper way to act and how it relates to the most recent weekly Torah portions.

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Rosh Hashanah and Freedom of Will !Short Clips! by Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – In this !Short Clip! Rabbi Tatz explains how are circumstances and how we fulfill our potential according to those circumstances determines our standing NOT our comparison to others. This is a good lesson for adults, kids, and adults who take care of kids.

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Lashon Harah – Introduction to the full course that will cover everything about Lashon Harah

Rabbi Alon Anava – This video is about the consequences both personally and globally of lashon harah (evil speech that is actually true and/or gossip). Obviously a very relevant topic of our time.

Personal Thoughts – This is a very difficult topic for me personally as although I’ve advanced in my spiritual condition over the years, when confronted with the topic of lashon harah I feel free far from any progress, except for the awareness that I’m far. I’ve read much information on the topic but it’s so difficult how to even grasp where to start. One Rabbi was asked how do you repent from speaking lashon harah and he said the analogy of taking a feather pillow and ripping it open on the top of a building on a windy day. Now that all the feathers have flown off go and collect all the feathers and put them back in the pillow. That’s how difficult it is to rectify lashon harah. Kind of a depressing topic to be honest but the first step is to try one little bit at a time to change what one says and hears.

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