Other Religions

The Real Story of X-mas & New Years Eve

This is a re-post of the post from last year at this time.

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares the truth behind X-mas & New Years Eve and why Jews should re-consider their current viewpoint and disposition towards them. Perfect timing!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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Other Religions

Between Jews and Christians

Rabbi Isser Z Weisberg – shares with us the Jewish response to Christianity – why Jews do not accept it?

Personal Thoughts – His response to the email question he received was clear and concise without any language that might be offensive. Helpful for this time of the year when these questions often come up. The link above skips the first two minutes where the Rabbi makes a prediction about the U.S. election (Note: In general, this blog is meant to be politically neutral).

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Other Religions

The Real Story of X-mas & New Years Eve

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares the truth behind X-mas & New Years Eve and why Jews should re-consider their current viewpoint and disposition towards them. Perfect timing!

Personal Thoughts: I had no idea the true background of these two holidays. The Rabbi showed me a clear explanation with solid backing on my somewhat innocuous viewpoint. Glad I became educated. Highly recommended particularly considering the timing. On a side note, here is a somewhat misplaced “Short Clip” that I thought should be categorized here, “The 9th of Teves!?” – Interesting mashal (story) on why the 9th of Tevet was a day of fasting and its relation to Christianity –

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: