!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Video 43 – Not Everybody Hates Us By Rabbi Isser Z. Weisberg

Rabbi Isser Z Weisberg – Shares about how the prophesies of the times of Moshiach and the role of the righteousness gentiles are happening right now before our eyes. It’s amazing how Hashem is orchestrating the “pieces on the chess board” in real time and impossible to ignore. Although the birth pangs of Moshiach are painful to say the least – it’s happening – and we all can be a part of it (Jew or Gentile).

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Weekly Torah Portion

Parshat Terumah – G-d is our King, our Father, and our Spouse

Rabbi Isser Z Weisberg – Very short and concise video about last week’s Torah portion, Terumah, explaining the various different attributes of how Hashem can relate to us as a part of the Jewish people. Quite a fascinating discussion.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Everyone’s Opinion Matters – !Short Clips!

Rabbi Isser Z Weisberg – Shares with us how Judaism says that everyone’s opinion matters and needs to be respected as valuable, not just the leaders and powerful among us.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Other Religions

Between Jews and Christians

Rabbi Isser Z Weisberg – shares with us the Jewish response to Christianity – why Jews do not accept it?

Personal Thoughts – His response to the email question he received was clear and concise without any language that might be offensive. Helpful for this time of the year when these questions often come up. The link above skips the first two minutes where the Rabbi makes a prediction about the U.S. election (Note: In general, this blog is meant to be politically neutral).

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: