!Short Clips! Jewish Holidays

!Short Clips! Living With The Times – Current Situation in Israel – Chanukah and Israel Dreaming

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – As Chanukah approaches, Rabbi Trugman tells a story about Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach in the late 70’s in Chicago and summary is that each Jew regardless of how religiously observant they are has a cruve of oil that is pure and can unleash each one’s Jewish soul (just like Chanukah of origin). Now is the time to uncover it!

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!Short Clips! Weekly Torah Portion

!Short Clips! Living With The Times – Current Situation in Israel – An Archetypal Struggle

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – The struggle between Yaakov and Esav in this week’s upcoming parasha (Vayishlach) is a struggle that has been going on throughout the ages including now in recent times. Rabbi Trugman explains the very interesting gematria that Yaakov + Satan = Yisroel. Yaakov (Jacob) plus the Satan (the guardian angel of Esav that Yaakov wrestled with) equals Yisroel (the name the angel in this wrestling event that Yaakov won and subsequently the name Hashem gave later on in the narrative).

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! The Effects of Self-Control – Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – How can you change the World? With one small act of self control – that’s how! Breaking down the complicated with a very simple approach in a two minute video.

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Several folks have already proactively made donations to help those in Israel affected by the War – food, medical services, food/items for Israeli soldiers, and items to support religious activities/services. If you would like to take part please send an email to: and we will send you a personal Paypal link to make a donation. 100% of all donations go right to the recipients – there is no overhead. This is done on a volunteer basis only.

Like we prayed on Rosh Hashana:
Teshuva (repentance), Tefilah (prayer), and Tzedakah (charity) remove an evil decree.

!Short Clips! Prayer

!Short Clips! This is the Beginning of Geula by Rabbi David Kalmus

In this !Short Clip! (please watch until the end of video for an amazing story at the end that just happened), Rabbi Kalmus focuses on the possibility that maybe Hashem wants us to pray all day (and not just check a box that we prayed) and also on the feeling of why we may feel crippled in our life in general and how that drives us to pray more. Throw yourself on Hashem and He will take care of you completely.

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!Short Clips!

Rav Noach Weinberg ZT”L”s Timely Message from Decades Ago

Timely today as it was decades ago. Nothing new under the sun.

!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Rabbi Tovia Singer: Sukkot, War of GoG and MaGoG AND FINAL REDEMPTION

Rabbi Tovia Singer – Shares in the Sukkah about what the roof means versus other normal roofs from a deeply spiritual perspective and how that affects the future war before the Moshiach arrives. Short and strong lesson!

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!Short Clips!

Shabbat Shalom !Short Clips! Living With The Times – In Praise of the Ba’al Shem Tov and Nitzavim – Standing Before God By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Two short videos about both the Ba’al Shem Tov (the Tzaddik originator of the Chassidic movement) and the Amida or Shmoneh Esrei prayer and its relevance to the upcoming Jewish holidays.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! Living With The Times – Elul – The Little that Holds A Lot By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – The letter of this month (Elul) is the yud which is the smallest of the letters. Our Sages say that its the little that holds a lot (analogous to our handheld devices that hold the World at our fingertips).

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! Generational Wealth I Rav David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – In the ending of this class Rabbi Kalmus gives over the concept of “length of days” through the analogy of the shofar and how its narrowness grows to openess and how this reveals the concept of young Rebbes (Like Rabbi Nachman) and their ability to do so much in such short lifetimes – just like the shofar. How? With kedusha.

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!Short Clips! Weekly Torah Portion

Living With The Times – Preparing for a New Year through the Torah and Fruits of the Orchard – Re’eh !Short Clip! By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares some details of the next few weekly parshiot leading up to Rosh Hashana and how this can help us prepare for the new year in a way that benefits us more than just it popping up on us.

And, in the upcoming Torah Parasha of the week (Re’eh) – a “numerical gem” about a public charitable fund (tzedakah).

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