General Torah

Fundamentals of Kabbalah and Chassidut – Time and Space – Part 1 and 2

Rabbi Trugman – Approximately 100 years ago Albert Einstein showed how time and space are intrinsically woven together. Nevertheless, when delving into ancient Jewish texts we see this idea repeat itself a host of times. Fundamentals of Kabbalah and Chassidut – Time and Space – Part 1 and 2, explore a wide range of fascinating Torah sources regarding the unity of time and space.

Personal Thoughts – These two videos bring forth some fascinating ideas about time and space, past and present, and the close relationship between our current scientific theories and Torah concepts.

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General Torah Personal Growth

Get Up and Start Over (Q&A) – !Short Clip!

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Eloquently answers a common question for those who are becoming more religious and run into what seems like a catch-22 roadblock.

Personal Thoughts – I wish I had this answer when I was younger at the beginning of my journey. What a thoughtful, kind, constructive, and valuable answer and approach. Empowering!

If you would like to listen to the entire lecture please go here:

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General Torah Weekly Torah Portion

Double Feature Monday – Rabbi Kessin and Rabbi Breitowitz

Both these two videos teach us some concepts of the Jewish peoples’ root from a spiritual and practical perspective. We can see how these are actualized in the current events or our time. It’s amazing how things come full circle after literally thousands of years.

Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #69 | The Structure of the Neshama [AUDIO] (Rabbi Kessin):

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The Unconditional Covenant with Abraham (Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz):

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General Torah

Fundamentals of Kabbalah and Chassidut – Time and Space – Part 1 and 2

Rabbi Trugman – Approximately 100 years ago Albert Einstein showed how time and space are intrinsically woven together. Nevertheless, when delving into ancient Jewish texts we see this idea repeat itself a host of times. Fundamentals of Kabbalah and Chassidut – Time and Space – Part 1 and 2, explore a wide range of fascinating Torah sources regarding the unity of time and space.

Personal Thoughts – These two videos bring forth some fascinating ideas about time and space, past and present, and the close relationship between our current scientific theories and Torah concepts.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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Blessings Personal Growth Prayer

KLM Baruch Hashem/Thank G-d: Two Words that Can Earn You Millions (Part 1)

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares with us that how think is just as important as how we thank Hashem. Our intention amplifies the action for more “bang for your buck”.

Added Bonus from the class – special link to “THANK YOU HASHEM” song video:

Personal Thoughts – Having an attitude of gratitude is the antedote to stinking thinking.

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Hebrew Letters

Seventy Faces – The Shapes of the Letters

Rabbi Trugman – Although many people do not realize it, Hebrew is a pictorial language where the form of each letter has great significance. Along with the names of the letter and their numerical equivalents, the shapes of the letters shed great light on a word’s composition and hold within their forms many deep and profound secrets.

Personal Thoughts – This lecture contains some really interesting ideas about the Hebrew letters and their deeper meaning. At the beginning of the class, Rabbi Trugman shows how the letter Beit is actually contained inside the letter Peh and the analogy of Hashem speaking out the Beit in Breisheit (the first word in the Torah).

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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General Torah The Afterlife Torah Stories

What No One Told You About Abraham’s Story – Secrets of Kabbalah & Reincarnation (!Short Clip!)

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton – In this short video Rabbi Yitzchak Botton shares a Kabbalistic explanation, based on the teachings of R’ Isaac Luria, of Abraham’s/Avraham’s battle with Nimrod, which ended with him being thrown into a furnace – know as the Furnace of Kasdim. God then made a miracle saving his life. The Secrets behind this unbelievable story are found in the teachings of Kabbalah.

Personal Thoughts – I never knew that Aaron HaKohen (the High Priest) and Hur could have been reincarnations of Avraham Avinu (our Father) and his brother Haran. Very interesting parallels explained in this short clip

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Hebrew Months Weekly Torah Portion

The Novel Insight of the Pri Tzadik on MarCheshvan

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Shares about the new Hebrew month of MarCheshvan and even says some say that it is the most important month of the year and all the background and proofs of why that is. Interesting stuff sprinkled throughout the video along with commentary on the weekly Parasha (Noach).

Personal Thoughts – I like how Rabbi Breitowitz brings different perspectives and points throughout his shiurim (classes) to prove our the original premise of the entire video so you get a picture with a variety of viewpoints. Hope you enjoy it. Chodesh Tov! (Happy New Month).

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

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Weekly Torah Portion

Rabbi Mizrachi In Maryland – Genesis A Beginning Of A New Cycle

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Shares with us great Torah learning about the book of last Shabbat’s portion, Breisheit (Genesis).

Personal Thoughts – First time I heard Torah shiur (class) from Rabbi Mizrachi on Breisheit (Genesis) and really enjoyed the perspective and the depth of Torah that he reveals from the first parasha (portion) of the Torah that we just started the cycle again.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Personal Growth

Experiencing Your Own Personal Resurrection

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Back from the Chagim (Jewish Holidays), Rabbi Kalmus explains the concept of humility and getting rid of self is the start of connection to G-d.

Personal Thoughts – I had trouble understanding a lot of these deep Kabbalah concepts so just focused on what I was able to understand like trying to tame my Yetzer Harah (evil inclination).

Newsletter – Rabbi Kalmus’s also mentioned at the beginning of his shiur that his organization, Tzion Breslov Project, also started a newsletter that comes out before Shabbat – you can sign up for that free here as well:

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: