Jewish Holidays

Chanukah Sameach!

Multi Topic Monday (Chanuka Plus) – Rabbi Tatz, Rabbi Wegbreit, Rabbi Pinto, and Rabbi Alon Anava

There were so many great introductory classes on Chanukah and related topics including the weekly parasha that it made sense to do another Torah blitz Monday with four videos. Hope you enjoy them!

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz: Greek Beauty – A Chanukah Questions and Jewish Beauty

Rabbi Ashwer Baruch Wegbreit: KLM Chanukah: How to Create 8 Days of Wow

Rabbi Moshe Pinto: There is a hidden world that we must live in!

Rabbi Alon Anava: When you lust is out of control….What do you do?

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Weekly Torah Portion

The miracle must be reversed !Short Clip! by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

Rabbi Moshe Pinto – Shares how the oral tradition explains technically how miracles work (there are two explanations) in the spiritual world and how they affect the physical world and the “price” that needs to be paid. This is also reflected in the wording at the beginning of this week’s upcoming parasha (Toldot) which states that “Yitzchak son of Avraham….Avraham gave birth to Yitzchak”.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Our success comes from the ability to make something out of anything! !Short Clip! by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

Rabbi Moshe Pinto – Shares about the current weekly parasha and why the Torah spends so much time about the specific years of Sarah Imenu’s 127 years of life. How she didn’t waste any days of her life and if we want to emulate how she lived we have to navigate the constant bombardment of wasting time that modern society throws at us.

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!Short Clips!

We’ve changed we will never be the same !Short Clips! by Rabbi Moshe Pinto

Rabbi Moshe Pinto – Shares how according to our sages we are actually new men and women after Yom Kippur and because of this we start reading the Torah from the beginning again with this week’s parasha Breisheit. This is why we “exile” ourselves to the Sukkah for seven days after Yom Kippur to remind us that we are newly reborn.

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Personal Growth

Challenges are opportunities for success

Rabbi Moshe Pinto – Shares with us the why of challenge and struggle prior to the good that comes from it. This is extenuated greatly now because we are in Shnat Shmittah (the 7th or Sabbatical Year) on the Jewish calendar. Rabbi Pinto explains that the negative struggle is actually the vessel for the good that comes from it and without it there would be no borders for the good to exist. Very in depth and detailed explanation that brings awareness to this apparent dichotomy of good and bad, struggle and redemption.

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Jewish Holidays

Shavuot is when the geoula is supposed to come

Rabbi Moshe Pinto – Shares with us the goal to achieve kedusha (holiness) can only occur when both elements combine (the physical/material and the spiritual). Without one of these elements our level of connection to Hashem is always incomplete. To bring the geula (redemption) we need not ignore the physical/material but to incorporate and elevate it towards a spiritual goal. Pesach was physical redemption and Shavuot is spiritual redemption – the time in between (the Omer period) is the way to connect them both. Powerful lecture by Rav Pinto.

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Jewish Holidays

The Opportunity To Change Your Mazal! (Re-Post)

Rabbi Moshe Aharon Pinto Shlita – Shares with us how to change our Mazal and this Friday night is the time! This is a re-post of last year at this time as the exercise is done after the Seder is over.

Chag Kasher V’Sameach

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There is a part of us we can’t change!

Rabbi Moshe Pinto Shlita – Shares with us the essence of our never changing soul (neshama) that no matter what we do it is unchanging but also how we can purify our soul from the “dirt” that it acquires throughout our lives and the tools and events in our lives that help up connect to our Jewish soul.

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Weekly Torah Portion

The secret of achieving wealth!

Rabbi Moshe Pinto Shlita – Shares with us the underlying reason why Jews attract such wealth and success – the spiritual underpinnings of why that is. Also, what happens when we lose great wealth such as in the time of the Egyptian slavery – when we lose our standing and spirituality. And finally how we attain material and spiritual wealth by doing our part and relying on Hashem.

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Weekly Torah Portion

What was so special about Yosef’s interpretation?

Rabbi Moshe Pinto Shlita – Short video (around ~8 minutes) about what was unique of Yosef’s interpretation of Pharoe’s dream even though he was basically giving him the same interpretation as others did. Was it his presentation? Was it something intangible? Was it more dramatic? The answer Rav Pinto gives is pretty simple. Watch the video to find out.

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