!Short Clips!

What will happen to unaffiliated Jews when Moshiach comes???

Yoel Gold – Shares a story that will certainly resonate with unaffiliated/secular Jews. What about us? This is relevant in our times as World events show us that time is approaching.

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General Torah

The Gate of Tears Is Never Closed! By Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares how the path to the “lost princess” is genuine yearning and tears. However, the secular World (over-eating, secular knowledge, news) will put us asleep spiritually which puts up a wall. Chanukah (which is coming soon) is a great opportunity to connect to Hashem as His presence visits us during this holiday. All suffering comes from a lack of Da’at (the lack of knowing that everything comes from Hashem).

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