
Teshuva After October 7: The Unique Approach to This Year’s Days of Awe | Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen

Rabbi Kelemen – Shares as we approach Rosh Hashanah that this year’s teshuva is different than ever before. This teshuva is taking the path of recognizing our Creator through the unity of Jewish people in the wake of the October 7th tragedy (that is still ongoing). This is different than the teshuva we may have been “used to”. This new path has put us on a path to personal and national redemption.

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Where was G-d on October 7th? By Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – As we approach Rosh Hashanah, Rabbi Mizrachi shares what we can learn from the events of the past year and utilize them to improve this upcoming year.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Nitzavim-Vayelech – How To Do Teshuva | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – Shares the teshuva is not hard – it just takes the step of recognizing that we have to do it and the rest comes easy. If we don’t admit that we have done wrong or see others who have done wrong (not us) it won’t be possible to change and do teshuva ourselves. This is an important five minute video to watch before the upcoming Chagim.

Say You’re Sorry (Ep. 253) – This full episode of the Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky show goes through the path of Slichot that Ashkenazi Jews start this Motze Shabbat.

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Hebrew Months

Wiser Woman Essie Lazarus Return With Love hosted by Joanne Dove

Essie Lazarus – Shares a really deep way to approach Elul. She explains the difference between doing teshuva out of fear and out of love – with a very simple formula to know the difference. The fabric of teshuva was created by Hashem prior to the World even being created going against our human logic. It was first experienced by Adam and Eve on the very first Rosh Hashanah and we can tap into this ourselves today as we lead up to the 5785th Rosh Hashanah in a few weeks. Fascinating lecture.

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Jewish Holidays

Living With The Times – Sukkot and the Clouds of Glory By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – How Yom Kippur transforms into Sukkot from all the elements the Kohen Gadol does in the Holy of Holies during Yom Kippur. The teshuva process is not over it just morphs a bit. Rabbi Trugman shares how if it was over then we would already be starting over the Torah readings from the beginning (Bereshit) now but this is not the case as we wait until Simchat Torah.

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hebrew calendar date

The Birth of Moshiach and Preparation for Tisha B’Av (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowtiz – Shares about the days leading up to Tisha B’Av which starts next Wednesday night. The Rav talks about the amount of questions that are asked about the details of this period of time on the Jewish calendar but points out that the more important and less discussed aspect is the importance of self-improvement and teshuva (repentance). While focusing on the details are important it is more important to focus on the why we are here in the first place and by improving ourselves and the World around us (the tikun or fixing process) we can bring the World at large closer to redemption and peace.

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Jewish Holidays

Yom Kippur – Beyond the Impossible by Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares a clear explanation of the relationship of the body and the soul and why it matters on Yom Kippur and how this can aide us to do teshuva. Also, includes some interesting information on the five individual restrictions we observe on Yom Kippur.

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Tomer Devorah – Where Teshuvah (Repentance) starts | Chapter 4 by Rabbi Alon Anava

Rabbi Alon Anava – Good timing for this video as we are approaching Rosh Hashana and the ten day of repentance. Rabbi Anava talks about the important of doing teshuvah everyday not just on specific days of the year and how this process affects us and our soul here and in the World to come. Repentance can empower us to be better as long as we are constantly keeping it at the forefront of our mind and have good intentions towards improvement.

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General Torah

Tomer Devorah Middah #7 After Teshuva, He Will Have Mercy On Us By Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston

Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston – Great class on the power of teshuva (repentance) and the benefits for our life today and in the future. Liked the explanation about the letter hay – ה – and how the shape of the letter explains the teshuva process both figuratively and literally.

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Torah Stories

The Book of Jonah By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares a thorough review of the book of Jonah and the path of teshuvah (repentance). A good story to learn about during the current period of time on the Jewish calendar we are in now (the three weeks between the 17th of Tammuz until the 9th of Av – which is the period culminating in the destruction of both Temples and many other destructive events in Jewish history).

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