!Short Clips!

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi !Short Clips!

Here are several !Short Clips! from some recent lectures by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi. Some are serious and some are quite funny. Hope you enjoy them.

How To Work On Your Emunah:

Mercy For Health:

Dead Dog Airport Story (funny):

Laziness Lack of Emunah:

Can’t Take It With You:

Petach Tikva Story:

Leaving Egypt – Holocaust:

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Personal Growth

To Conquer Your Spiritual Enemy, You Must First Recognize His Main Strategy

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Great short video on how to fight the Yetzer Hara (evil inclination) from taking our life away from us through some simple efforts to re-focus our life on meaningful spiritual things that have substance today and in the future that nourish our souls and give us fullness.

Newsletter – Rabbi Kalmus’s organization, Tzion Breslov Project, also started a newsletter that comes out before Shabbat – you can sign up for that free here as well:

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General Torah Hebrew Letters

Seventy Faces – Dividing Words

Rabbi Trugman – Shares really interesting word re-arrangements from existing words in the Torah and Tanach. For example, one name for Pesach (Passover), which is coming up shortly, is “Chag Aviv” (Holiday of Spring). If you take the first letter of the word Aviv which is Alef (one) that represents Avraham, the second letter which is Beit (two) represents Yitzchak and Yaakov, the last two letters Yud and Beit (twelve) are the twelve tribes. This all is the start of the Jewish people which happened in the first month of Nissan in Egypt where we became a nation. Additionally, the same word Aviv can be divided the first two letters Aleph plus Beit or Av which means father and the last two letters Yud and Beit which means twelve equals the father of the 12 or the first of the twelve months of the Hebrew calendar which is again the first month of Nissan where the Jewish calendar started as a nation in Egypt. Many more neat examples in the video.

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General Torah

Kavanah L’Mitzvos: What is even Greater than Serving Hashem B’Simcha?

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares some nice illustrations on how to connect with Hashem and four examples of when the opportunity to connect is at its highest.

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Weekly Torah Portion

The Oral Torah is the Interaction Between Hashem and Israel

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – This past Shabbat’s weekly parashah can come off as a bit dry and complex – but the Rabbi reveals the deep valuable lessons contained therein that are relevant in today’s day and age.

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General Torah

Q&A: End of Days War of Gog & Magog, Zionism, Army Drafting, Black Hats, Who is Amalek, Suicide

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Lots of interesting questions and answers in this regularly occurring Q&A with the Rabbi. Lots of great information and straightforward answers to some commonly asked but sometimes complex questions about Judaism.

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Hebrew Months Jewish Holidays

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein: The Month From the Days of Moshiach – Something FISHY about Adar

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – The Rabbi starts his class at about the 5:00 minute mark of the video after a relatively lengthy introduction. Great explanation about the month of Adar and the Purim story and how it relates to remembering the Beis Hamikdash’s destruction. First time posting a video of Rabbi Glatstein – the depth of the discussion was fascinating.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Parshat Terumah – G-d is our King, our Father, and our Spouse

Rabbi Isser Z Weisberg – Very short and concise video about last week’s Torah portion, Terumah, explaining the various different attributes of how Hashem can relate to us as a part of the Jewish people. Quite a fascinating discussion.

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You Need To Dip Your Mind in the Mikveh

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Through the use of a mikveh that we toivel (immerse) our dishes before we can use them we differentiate our life force and circumstances comes not from nature but directly Hashem. This is results in the very difference between happiness and sadness. Also, the food we eat needs to be very holy (a source of why we eat Kosher) so our soul stays pure so again we can differentiate between thinking everything comes from nature or directly from Hashem.

Newsletter – Rabbi Kalmus’s organization, Tzion Breslov Project, also started a newsletter that comes out before Shabbat – you can sign up for that free here as well:

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Torah and Science: Rabbi Zamir Cohen At Bar Ilan University (Hebrew W/Subtitles)

Rabbi Zamir Cohen – In this video the Rabbi discusses the Torah and Science, how much Torah is relevant in today’s world, and the Jewish evolution. There are some pretty deep topics about the creation of the World and the spiritual backbone of it all. Very interesting!

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