!Short Clips! Weekly Torah Portion

!Short Clips! Living With The Times – Current Situation in Israel – An Archetypal Struggle

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – The struggle between Yaakov and Esav in this week’s upcoming parasha (Vayishlach) is a struggle that has been going on throughout the ages including now in recent times. Rabbi Trugman explains the very interesting gematria that Yaakov + Satan = Yisroel. Yaakov (Jacob) plus the Satan (the guardian angel of Esav that Yaakov wrestled with) equals Yisroel (the name the angel in this wrestling event that Yaakov won and subsequently the name Hashem gave later on in the narrative).

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Weekly Torah Portion

The Rolling Stones – Vayeitzei (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares some aspects of the Weekly Parsha – basically the days in the life of Yaakov Avinu. His traveling to the Yeshiva of Shem and Ever, his running away from his twin brother Esav, and his dream of the ladder. How do these events forshadow the lives of the Jewish people and what can we learn from them today?

The Tznius of Rochel – Vayeitzei (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

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Several folks have already proactively made donations to help those in Israel affected by the War – food, medical services, food/items for Israeli soldiers, and items to support religious activities/services. If you would like to take part please send an email to: and we will send you a personal Paypal link to make a donation. 100% of all donations go right to the recipients – there is no overhead. This is done on a volunteer basis only.

Like we prayed on Rosh Hashana:
Teshuva (repentance), Tefilah (prayer), and Tzedakah (charity) remove an evil decree.


KLM: Power of Intense Tear-filled Prayer with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – In Rabbi Wegbreit’s new series, the Rabbi speaks about connecting the weekly parasha to a specific mitzvah that we can do right now. This week we can share Leah Imenu’s crying eyes by praying tear-filled eyes for our current situation and those who are in harms way. May Hashem hear our prayers and save us!

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Weekly Torah Portion

Parshas Toldos – The Mitzvah That Will Bring Us To The Finish Line

Rabbi Glatstein – Shares the mitzva that we learn in this upcoming parasha that will bring the redemption and moshiach. The mitzvah of honoring your Father and Mother. This will bring us back to the original state of Gan Eden that existing before the sin of Adam Ha-Rishon.

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Several folks have already proactively made donations to help those in Israel affected by the War – food, medical services, food/items for Israeli soldiers, and items to support religious activities/services. If you would like to take part please send an email to: and we will send you a personal Paypal link to make a donation. 100% of all donations go right to the recipients – there is no overhead. This is done on a volunteer basis only.

Like we prayed on Rosh Hashana:
Teshuva (repentance), Tefilah (prayer), and Tzedakah (charity) remove an evil decree.

Weekly Torah Portion

The Mysterious Eliyahu – Parshas Devarim (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares interesting aspects of this past Shabbat’s weekly parasha. One of the interesting ideas is why do our Sages say that while Moshe Rabeinu was 10 amot tall and Pharaoh was 1 amot tall. The example he gives is his experience meeting celebrities who were “larger than life” but in person they were very small. Similarly, Pharaoh was the leader the most important country in the World at this time but was very small, while Moshe Rabeinu was the humblest person to ever walk the Earth but was large in stature.

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!Short Clips! General Torah Weekly Torah Portion

Multi Video Feature – Rabbi Avraham Trugman, Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit, and Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen

Three videos featuring the yahrzeit of The Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh, the upcoming weekly parasha Pinchas, how to acquire mitzvot while sleeping, and the upcoming beginning of the three weeks of mourning that starts this Thursday.

Three videos featuring the yahrzeit of The Ohr HaChaim Hakadosh, the upcoming weekly parasha Pinchas, how to acquire mitzvot while sleeping, and the upcoming beginning of the three weeks of mourning that starts this Thursday.

Living With The Times – The Ohr HaChayim

Fruits of the Orchard – Pinchas

KLM: Know Hashem in All Your Ways – EVEN WHEN SLEEPING

Bein HaMetzarim: Weeks of Wrath? or Weeks of Love?

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Weekly Torah Portion

Dialogue Die Along (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha – Balak)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about the upcoming the weekly parasha (Balak) that we read last Shabbat. The beginning of the class focuses on how important it is to be a decent human being and to not use one’s religiousness as an excuse not to be (good common sense advice).

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Weekly Torah Portion

Multi Video Feature – Shabbat Shalom – Parashat Balak

Three good videos for Shabbat by Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz, Rabbi Dovid Kaplan, and Rabbi Avraham Trugman. Rabbi Breitowitz talks about Bilaam who wanted to curse the Jews but ended up blessing them against his will. Rabbi Kaplan talks about Bilaam showing us the negative of not having the ability to overcome our desire for pleasure when lasting happiness ironically has nothing to do with pleasure. And, Rabbi Trugman speak about Bilaam’s innate ability in finding the right specific moment in time to curse.

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Weekly Torah Portion

The Paradox (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha – Chukas)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about the upcoming weekly parasha (Chukas) – some interesting tidbits including:

The story of Dovid Hamelech (King David) and how he tried to protect himself from the Angel of Death by learning Torah and where it’s alluded to in this parasha.

Keeping our eyes on the long term benefits of doing the right thing and living the right way. Being mocked for being religious Jews but a life of meaning shines through over time.

Not everything in life has to be understood.

Shlomo Hamelech (King Solomon) and Moshe Rabeinu and their lack of understand and understanding of the Red Cow mitzvah expressed in a pasek. Pasek Yud Zion (840 9 lines from bottom) – take from the tamei person the ashes of the chatat – first letter of word latamei, and subsequent words spells limoshe jumble letters it spells shlomo.

Also, two different ways to purify oneself – mikva full immersion otherwise is doesn’t take vs. red cow water only a drop that nicks your ear makes you pure. Represents full change versus a bit at a time – different types of teshuva.

Effort in Torah yields results. Dedicated.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Parashot Acharei Mot-Kedoshim Weekly Summary – With video clips from Rabbi Moshe Pinto, Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman, and Rabbi David Kaplan

The Best Addiction by Rabbi Moshe Pinto Parasha Chaye Mot

Rabbi Pinto – Shares how important it is to focus on our “true” life which is our spiritual life which does not expire like our physical bodies. This perspective replaces despair with inspiration allowing us to leave our “life” problems behind.

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares about the aspect of this double parasha as it pertains to Yom Kippur.

It Gets My Goat (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha – Acharei Mos)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Interesting discussion about this week’s upcoming double Torah portion (Acharei-Mos) and the yearly event on Yom Kippur of the two goats. One is given as a korban (offering) to Hashem, while the other is pushed off a cliff to Azalzel. Rabbi Kaplan shares the deeper meaning behind all of this and how it is relevant to our current life and lifestyle.

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