Jewish Holidays

Shavuot is when the geoula is supposed to come

Rabbi Moshe Pinto – Shares with us the goal to achieve kedusha (holiness) can only occur when both elements combine (the physical/material and the spiritual). Without one of these elements our level of connection to Hashem is always incomplete. To bring the geula (redemption) we need not ignore the physical/material but to incorporate and elevate it towards a spiritual goal. Pesach was physical redemption and Shavuot is spiritual redemption – the time in between (the Omer period) is the way to connect them both. Powerful lecture by Rav Pinto.

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Jewish Holidays Prayer

It’s Rosh Chodesh Sivan tonight – Special prayers to recite

Rabbi Alon Anava – If you have kids no matter what age Rabbi Anava shares what prayer parents can say that is specific to this day (Rosh Chodesh Sivan – the first of the month of Sivan) to bring down the energy leading up to the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. This energy is the same energy as the original ancient energy when the Jewish people received the Torah at Har (Mount) Sinai that becomes available to us every year at this time.

The prayers Rabbi Alon Anava references are available in both Hebrew and English here:

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Jewish Holidays

Lag BaOmer: What do we Celebrate & Why is is Rabbi Shimon’s Day?

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton – BREAKING: LAG BAOMER is NOT the Day Rabbi Shimon Passed Away! The mystery of the 33rd day of the Omer Lag BaÓmer continues. Many call it the yahrzeit (passing) of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, while others say, based on Kabbalah it is the day he was given Smicha, rabbinic ordination , and some say it is both. After watching this video you will better understand Why Lag BaOmer is considered a Jewish Holiday.

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Jewish Holidays

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Double Feature 1

The Period of the Omer and Love Your Neighbor as Yourself – Rabbi Breitowitz shares how the current Omer counting period has both a positive and negative perspective. The positive is the joyous period between leaving slavery (Pesach) and receiving the Torah (Shavuot). The negative is 24,000 students of the great sage, Rabbi Akiva, dies during this period of time – which makes the Omer a time of mourning. The ultimate goal of this mourning is to rectify the character trait of not giving kavod to others (“love your neighbor as yourself”). Watch the video to get filled in on all the details in between.

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Jewish Holidays

The Deeper Meaning of Counting the Omer

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – In this podcast, Rabbi Tatz focuses on how counting the Omer helps build us up piece by piece, step by step towards the destination. Always an interesting question of why we don’t count “Day 50” when the Torah itself says count fifty days – listen in for the answer.

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Jewish Holidays

Counting the Omer and Seeking Purpose

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Shares about the Omer period of time that we are in between Pesach and Shavuot and explains some very interesting disagreements between Jews of the past and present on when actually to start counting the Omer. The Rabbi made some very clear distinctions about the difference between Shabbat and the Jewish Holidays and our relationship as Jews to each one (a fascinating discussion).

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Jewish Holidays

The Opportunity To Change Your Mazal! (Re-Post)

Rabbi Moshe Aharon Pinto Shlita – Shares with us how to change our Mazal and this Friday night is the time! This is a re-post of last year at this time as the exercise is done after the Seder is over.

Chag Kasher V’Sameach

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Jewish Holidays

KLM: Dayenu the Heart and Soul of the Seder

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares how we can elevate the Pesach song Dayenu on this coming up Seder! We are “paid” by Hashem for our mitzvot – not only for actions, not only for speech, but also for thoughts. Dayenu!

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Jewish Holidays

Monday Marathon – Pesach and More

After several days without video posts – here are plenty of good videos about various topics including of course the upcoming Pesach holiday. Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz mentioned in one of the videos below that Jews tend to (overly/obsessively) focus on cleaning for Pesach to find every last crumb of chametz in a physical sense. However, that’s only half the battle – it’s also important for Jews to uncover and clean the “spiritual” chametz inside of us to help us come to Pesach spiritually clean from our yetzer harah (our inclincation towards evil thoughts and actions).

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz: The Haggadah – The Plan to Achieving Spiritual Liberation

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz: Ask the Rabbi: Modern Orthodoxy & Modesty Rules, Pesach Cleaning, Does God Regret & More

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus: This Could Change Your Life

Rabbi Mendel Kessin: Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #91 | The Tikun Process of Passover – Part 1 [AUDIO]

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Jewish Holidays

Purim: The victory over Haman or The Amalek Attack

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Purim class on why the Jews were worthy of being destroyed and the elixir that saved the Jews from Haman Harasha (the hated) and Amalek.

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