General Torah

Q&A- Grape Juice, Hamsa & Bugs in Food (Harav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Shares answers in a very easy to understand way several questions that students ask about Jewish Law including: Why are there so many rules in Judaism? Why are there so many chumrot (extra rules) and why doing too much might be too much? What are significant philosophical difference between Judaism and Christianity?

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Jewish Law (Halachah)

Charity : The Foundation of Life – Defining Divine Commands

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller – Explains the how, who, what, and where of how to give tzedakah (charity) according to Jewish law and how this gives you the most bang for your (charity) buck.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rebbetzin please visit this YouTube Channel:

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Jewish Law (Halachah) Mussar (Ethics)

Suicide – Includes Current Events

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Shares about how Jewish Law views suicide and its implications. We learn from the story of young Jews who were captured by the Romans and were about to be sent to Rome to be abused by their captors and they asked a Tanna (a Rabbi leader of that generation) whether they will still have a share in the World to come if they commit suicide instead of be being abused by their captors and he replied yes. We deduce from this that in other cases Jewish law forbids suicide since life is given by Hashem and only He can take it from us. To see exceptions to this law (and there are quite a few) please view the video.

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Vaccines, Pandemics & Medicine in Jewish Thought and Law

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares with us a very balanced and thoughtful approach to current health matters and how Jewish Law views the topics of our times.

Personal Thoughts – Such a thorough, clear, and balanced approach to topics that are everyone’s mind these days. I feel much more educated with down to earth information.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Jewish Law (Halachah)

Introductory Overview to Studying Halachah (Jewish Law)

Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac – This video is a very clear explanation of the development and the codification of Jewish Law (Halachah) from the Torah to the beginning of Chabad (246 years ago). (this video could not be embedded so this link takes you to the video on the website)

Personal Thoughts – I’ve been looking to start studying Halachah (Jewish Law) by learning two Halachot per day. However, my preferred method is to watch videos as I absorb the material better that way. However, looking around I don’t see much and certainly not much in an organized fashion. Rabbi Zajac and Chabad have a very organized video series methodology which shows also by how well this particular video presents the introduction. This viewpoint is the Halachah as expounded upon by the first Rebbe of Chabbad (the Alter Rebbe, R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi). Please reach out if you have another video Halachah series presented in an orderly fashion (’s email is – listen towards the end as it relates to why we make Challot (bread) for Shabbat (and Holidays) the way we do.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this website: