Weekly Torah Portion

פרשת ויגש: הפרשה הכי מרגשת בתורה! השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב (סאונד מתוקן)

למה יוסף לא שלח מכתב לאביו מייד כשהגיע למצרים? איך יכול להיות שהאחים של יוסף לא הכירו אותו? איזה רמזים הביא יוסף לאחיפם שלו? הדימיון בין יעקב ליוסף, החלום של יוסף מתגשם, מהלך אדיר בפרשת השבוע ויגש. מסר חשוב בעניין בפרשת השבוע ויגש. המסע המרתק אל פרשת ויגש – יעקב, יוסף, חלומות, מצרים, מלך מצרים.
חומש בראשית.
השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב.
אל תפספסו! 📘✨

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The Messianic Age | The Official Podcast of Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares some amazing insights on the messianic age and how we can make the best of our opporunities. How free will changes from now until the comiing of the Moshiach. The difference between Dovid and Gog/Magog in terms of the letters of each of those names. Also, how we can pray for the coming of Moshiach if we can’t grasp the true meaning but that we have faith that we know it will be ultimately good (even in light of the “birth pangs” to get there).

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Jewish Holidays Mussar

Chanukah: The Inner Light – Rav Weinbach Yahrtzeit (Rav Shlomo Weiner)

Rabbi Shlomo Weinter – In the spiritual of Chanukah, shares the difference between Torah wisdom and secular wisdom and how Torah wisdom transforms you internally by improving your midot (character traits) and spirituality. While secular wisdom simply does not. Two totally different approaches to wisdom and life.

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Jewish Holidays

We Need Miracles NOW! & This Will Help Us Get Them – HANUKKAH 2024

This is How to End ALL Wars & Bring Messiah, Mashiach Once and for All

When there is hate & fighting among the Jewish People, sadly God can remove His infinite protection from us. The sages teach us that when there is love and unity among the Jewish people – God in His loving Kindness overlooks our sins and has mercy on us, protecting us from all harm.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Parashat Miketz – Searching for success? feeling lost? This is for you! – Rabbi Alon Anava

Rabbi Alon Anava – Shares some insights about the weekly Torah reading we just read this past Shabbat (Miketz) and how we can learn from Yosef (Hatzadik) – Joseph the Righteous One. Even though his situation was rough for several years in his life he never complained and ascribed all his travail to Hashem’s will for him. Also, all the good in his life once he became viceroy of Egypt he also gave all the credit to Hashem. He even named his kids (Menashe and Ephraim) with the same intent. Rabbi Anava says we can use this as a blueprint for our own lives to live a life of fulfillment.

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Jewish Holidays

Rav Yitzchak Breitowitz: In The Middle of The Battle – Do Not Give Up!!!

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares some very interesting historical background information on Chanukah including the fact that the story of the oil was only told in writing over 250 years after the miracle of the oil during the time of the Chanukah story. Many other tidbits as well including Chanukah’s relationship with Succot.

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World Events

(Re-Post) The Real Story of X-mas & New Years Eve

This is a re-post of the post from the last three years at this time.

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares the truth behind X-mas & New Years Eve and why Jews should re-consider their current viewpoint and disposition towards them.

Additionally, there is some audio added summarizing a similar position by Rabbi David Kalmus.

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Jewish Holidays

Chanukah: the Holiday of the Messianic Light

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – Shares the deep foundational reason for the upcoming holiday of Chanukah and the messianic light we lost at the sin of the golden calf and the defect it created and how we are and can rectify that defect.

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Weekly Torah Portion

פרשת וישב: מה מהות החלומות? השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב

הפרשה עם החלומות של יוסף, יוסף חולם על האלומות שהשתחוו אליו, השמש והירח והכוכבים משתחווים ליוסף, החלומות שבתת מודע. כתונת פסים, איך פותרים חלומות? חלומות שווא ידברו? מה מהות של החלומות? מה ההבדל בין חלום אמת לחלום שווא? פרק הרואה במסכת ברכות. מסר חשוב בעניין בפרשת השבוע וישב. המסע המרתק אל פרשת וישב – יעקב, יוסף, חלומות.
חומש בראשית.
השיעור השבועי של הרב תומר ישראלוב.
אל תפספסו! 📘✨

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Weekly Torah Portion

A Comedy of Errors and Nothing Is Random – Vayeishev (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares some lessons of this week’s upcoming Torah reading including: So many “bad” events happened to Joseph during the reading but in the end Hashem had him elevated to be King of Egypt to save the Jewish people. This teaches us that the journey may not look good while we are in it but the final result in Hashem’s plan which is wholly good for both us personally, the Jewish people, and the World at large.

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