
Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac !Short Clips!

Shulchan Aruch, Din Makom Hara’oy L’hispalel v’Holeich BaDerech

In these three short videos, Rabbi Zajac explains one’s conduct in Shul (the Synagogue) both inside, on the way to, and/or when one is exempt from. It’s helpful to learn the sources of a lot of what we observe others do in and around shul attendance and to understand that those (sometimes “strange”) behaviors have sources that are based on spiritual foundations.

Why to pray in Shul specifically:

Shul attendance if you are sick or weak:

Running to Shul:

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General Torah

Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Torah & Mitzva – Male & Female

Two great podcasts where Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz shares with us how the World we leave in is designed with both male and female attributes on both a macro and micro level. This natural balance gives us a whole new perspective and how Torah and Mitzvot serve as the foundation of this paradigm.

Torah Cause of Reality – Written Torah

The second podcast is a bit early as it talks about Shavuot which is coming up in about a month and a half, but again the paradigm shift it reveals that Torah is not a reflection of what we see in this World, but that this World is a reflection/projection of the Torah itself (i.e. that Torah is the cause of reality).

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Weekly Torah Portion

Transforming darkness to light – Parashat Achrei Mot

Rabbi Alon Anava – Class on most recent weekly parashah with some powerful information on lessons we can learn from the Torah and the manifestation in our current life and events.

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Personal Growth

Partnerships In Life (in Chicago)

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Relatively short lecture about how important various partnerships are in our lives, including practical advice on how to improve our relationship with our significant other.

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Jewish Holidays

The Opportunity To Change Your Mazal! (Re-Post)

Rabbi Moshe Aharon Pinto Shlita – Shares with us how to change our Mazal and this Friday night is the time! This is a re-post of last year at this time as the exercise is done after the Seder is over.

Chag Kasher V’Sameach

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Jewish Holidays

KLM: Dayenu the Heart and Soul of the Seder

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares how we can elevate the Pesach song Dayenu on this coming up Seder! We are “paid” by Hashem for our mitzvot – not only for actions, not only for speech, but also for thoughts. Dayenu!

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Jewish Holidays

Monday Marathon – Pesach and More

After several days without video posts – here are plenty of good videos about various topics including of course the upcoming Pesach holiday. Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz mentioned in one of the videos below that Jews tend to (overly/obsessively) focus on cleaning for Pesach to find every last crumb of chametz in a physical sense. However, that’s only half the battle – it’s also important for Jews to uncover and clean the “spiritual” chametz inside of us to help us come to Pesach spiritually clean from our yetzer harah (our inclincation towards evil thoughts and actions).

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz: The Haggadah – The Plan to Achieving Spiritual Liberation

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz: Ask the Rabbi: Modern Orthodoxy & Modesty Rules, Pesach Cleaning, Does God Regret & More

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus: This Could Change Your Life

Rabbi Mendel Kessin: Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #91 | The Tikun Process of Passover – Part 1 [AUDIO]

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Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi

Watch the first 1/2 hour of this video by Rabbi Mizrachi for the true reason behind the phenomena of the past and current Arab terror perpetrated against the Jews:

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Weekly Torah Portion

Healing the Leper and Getting Rid of our Chametz
(Tazria) – Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Information packed class on the upcoming weekly parasha (Tazria) that we read this Shabbat. The depth the Torah goes to explain the main topic of this parasha (tzaarat – loosely translated as leprosy) is unlike any other topic in the whole Torah. Rabbi Breitowitz points out that our perception is the Torah focuses more effort on explaining Shabbat or other common topics than the topic of tzaarat, but in truth the details of this topic are much more explained. The Rabbi explains why in the video (and it somewhat is somewhat being portrayed in parallel in current times with how we are dealing with Corona). Shabbat Shalom!

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How Self Expression Affects us

Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller – Explains how to change inside out but to avoid outside in. Narrated with plenty of good stories that teach us about human nature and the sometimes slow process of changing behaviors that are ingrained.

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