Jewish Holidays

KLM: Brochos with Kavanah Tip the Scales in Our Favor with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit and Rabbi David Orlofsky: Preparing for Rosh Hashanah with Yiboneh and Hidabrut

Two good videos on how to get the most out of Rosh Hashanah in a way that leads into meaningful positive changes in the New Year going forward.

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Hebrew Months

Wiser Woman Essie Lazarus Return With Love hosted by Joanne Dove

Essie Lazarus – Shares a really deep way to approach Elul. She explains the difference between doing teshuva out of fear and out of love – with a very simple formula to know the difference. The fabric of teshuva was created by Hashem prior to the World even being created going against our human logic. It was first experienced by Adam and Eve on the very first Rosh Hashanah and we can tap into this ourselves today as we lead up to the 5785th Rosh Hashanah in a few weeks. Fascinating lecture.

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Gedolei Torah General Torah

Ahavath Chesed by the Chafetz Chaim

Perfect timing for this time of the year between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur on the importance of focusing on the most important things in life that can actually help you instead of those that can’t.

This is from the book called “Ahavath Chesed” from the Chafetz Chaim, Page 210 in the chapter “Arranging One’s Affairs”:

The Midrash aptly illustrates this situation with a parable: “There was once a man who had three friends. He loved the first very much, the second somewhat less. The third, he neither loved nor esteemed. Once the king issued a summons for this man, and the royal officer hastened to bring him to the palace. The man was terribly afraid. He suspected that he had been slandered and that he would be put to death innocently. All he could  think of was to call and ask his good and reliable friend, the one he loved  most, to go with him and testify to his innocence before the king. He went to this friend and told him what had happened, but the friend refused to go with him, and paid no heed to him. He left and went to his second friend. This one agreed to accompany him on the way to protect him from untoward incidents, but refused to appear before the king. As soon as they would reach the royal palace, be would leave and go home. The man then went to his third friend, whom he esteemed not at all, and asked him to go with him before the king. This friend replied: ‘Don’t be afraid. I’ll go with you; I’ll come  to the king and testify on your behalf, and you will be saved.’ He went, spoke up for the man, and saved him from harm. The first, most beloved of all friends, is man’s money. It leaves  him  on the day he dies and gives him nothing to take with him, as it says (Psalms 49.18): ‘His wealth  shall not descend after him.’ The second friend represents his sons and relatives who accompany him to the grave, then take their leave and depart. The third friend, the one who testified on his behalf, is his repentance and good deeds. These accompany him and  testify on his behalf, as it says (Isaiah. 58.8): ‘And your righteousness shall go before you.’ The King who issued the summons in the King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, from Whose judgment no man can escape except by Torah and ma’asim tovim (good deeds).”

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!Short Clip! Living With The Times – Understanding Teshuvah Through 5 Key Verses By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares some ideas on how we can approach Teshuvah (repentance) is the Hebrew month of Elul which starts in a few days, leading up to the pinnacle of Rosh Hashana. Each letter in the word Teshuva actually encapsulates the actions to be taken/concepts to be grasped to help us achieve it.

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!Short Clips! Weekly Torah Portion

Living With The Times – Preparing for a New Year through the Torah and Fruits of the Orchard – Re’eh !Short Clip! By Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares some details of the next few weekly parshiot leading up to Rosh Hashana and how this can help us prepare for the new year in a way that benefits us more than just it popping up on us.

And, in the upcoming Torah Parasha of the week (Re’eh) – a “numerical gem” about a public charitable fund (tzedakah).

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Jewish Holidays

Why is My Life So Chaotic? and New Year, New Life By Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Both these videos are good primers for the days leading up to Yom Kippur. The focus on turning our challenges in life into messages from Hashem to help instead of insurmountable obstacles meant to make your life difficult with no reason.

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Hebrew Months

KLM: Maximizing Elul thru the Mitzvah of Ahavas HaShem with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Helps us get the most out of the Hebrew month of Elul – which is the spiritual preparatory month leading up to Rosh Hashana. We can do this by increasing our Ahavas Hashem (our love for Hashem). Watch the video to learn some of the exercises Rabbi Wegbreit shares that can help us get there.

Part #2:

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Jewish Holidays

Preparing for Rosh Hashana by Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares one of the most concise and focused guides to preparing for Rosh Hoshana and getting the most of it as well. Often a unity of purpose helps one cut through the noise and confusion and allows real growth to come out. Great roadmap to start with!

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KLM: Feeling Hashem’s Presence – Escaping the Rut or Rote with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shows us the benefit of having kavanah (intent) when doing the mitzvot. This topic is important especially during the current month Elul leading up to Rosh Hashanah. Rabbi Wegbreit first gives a background of the Rav’s path to realize the importance of kavanah in not only prayer but other mitzvot as well. “Pick one mitzvah to have kavanah for…” is the suggestion to make a life change.

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Personal Growth

Transforming Darkness Into Light

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – From Poland, Rabbi Kalmus shares with us that the very destruction of our lives is the source of life’s renewal.

Personal Thoughts – Powerful message of hope and rebirth before Rosh Hashanah.

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