Jewish Holidays


Here are two classes on Chanukah from Rabbi Kessin and Rabbi Breitowitz. Both are very interesting with lots of information on the customs and origins of Chanukah.

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Start Praying Before Difficulty

Rabbi Yaakov Altman – Shares with us a perspective I haven’t heard framed in quite this was – pre-emptive praying. Like the phrase an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure – Rabbi Altman uses this in a spiritual sense (prayer). Worth a listen to hear this unique view.

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Personal Growth Weekly Torah Portion

Double (!Short Clip!) Wednesday – Rabbi Kalmus and Rabbi Pinto

Speech Brings One to Humility – Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares the power of speech and how it connects us to Shamaim (Heaven). Speech is the way to bridge this World to the next World. Also interesting story about the only disease that is discussed in the entire Torah is Tzoris (loosely translated as leprosy) which is caused by gossip (speech).

Newsletter – Rabbi Kalmus’s organization, Tzion Breslov Project, also started a newsletter that comes out before Shabbat – you can sign up for that free here as well:

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Our Environment Has An Affect On Us! – Rabbi Moshe Pinto – Shares with us how the story of Yosef Hatzadik and Yaakov Avinu teaches us how our environment affects us greatly even in our intentions are pure and we were not blameful for our actions. This stresses how important it is to always be in a positive clean environment that builds and doesn’t destroy.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Jacob, Angels & The Fight Between Good & Evil

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Shares with us about how this week’s parasha can help us focus on what is really important in your life and is our purpose purposeful. Yaakov Avinu asks Hashem to protect him from Esav and protect him from his brother and what the deep meaning of this is since it appears like double talk since Esav is his brother. Also, there are many additional discussion points in this class.

Personal Thoughts – I have personally experienced a lot of what Rav Breitowitz with some flashbacks sprinkled in there. Why am I on this life journey? Money, profession, etc or is this a spiritual journey?

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Personal Growth Weekly Torah Portion

How We Achieve Life With No Suffering

Rabbi Moshe Pinto Shlita – Shares some really deep chassidic teachings centered around our forefather Yaakov (Jacob) Avinu and how he infused the World to come in this World. Rabbi Pinto shares the story about Yaakov’s ladder dream and resting his head on the stone(s) and how he actually infused his life and brought up the life of the stones (very esoteric information).

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Personal Growth

It’s from Hashem, Period.

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares some specific examples of where things in our life actually come from. The last 1/4 of this 34 minute lecture is very powerful in your face reality that is meant to cause a paradigm shift in our thinking. As the Rav says, if you’re healthy it’s from Hashem, if you’re not healthy it’s from Hashem, if your kids are listening to you it’s from Hashem, and if your kids are not listening to you it’s from Hashem. It’s from Hashem, Period.

Newsletter – Rabbi Kalmus’s organization, Tzion Breslov Project, also started a newsletter that comes out before Shabbat – you can sign up for that free here as well:

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!Short Clips! Personal Growth Weekly Torah Portion

The Secret to a Great Marriage – !Short Clip! (Audio)

Rabbi David Aaron – In this past week’s parasha (Vayeitzei) we hear about Yaakov marrying both Leah and Rachel and how their father (Lavan) switched Leah in place of Rachel. This has resulted in our current Jewish custom of “checking” the bride before the chupah (wedding canopy). Rabbi Aaron shares some of the deeper meanings of this custom and how we can learn the secret to a great marriage through this knowledge. Packed with wisdom and only 2 minutes.

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General Torah Personal Growth Weekly Torah Portion

Triple Topic Thursday – Rabbi Breitowitz, Rabbi Kalmus, and Rebbeztin Silber

Seeing the Light Within the Darkness

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Great video going into detail about the three daily prayers and the source evidence of why we do it and where the sources for them. This is combined with the weekly Torah portion (Veyazei) that the Rav weaves into those sources.

Personal Thoughts – I learned a lot of new ideas that I can use in my daily prayers and the prayers in between. The more I learn the richer the experience which is why there is such a big stress to learn Torah because learning leads to new insights and new actions (mitzvot) which is what the whole World rests on.

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Greatness Beyond Measure

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares with us how an attitude of gratitude for all the blessings in our life and how little we know can free us from all types of despair. The Rav’s example mashal of a seeing a bug on a leaf and how small it is in the vast universe that seems so big being analagous to us being that bug not knowing the vastness of Hashem and what He has in store for us and that its for our greatest good.

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Rebbetzin Rochel Silber Names part 3

Rebbetzin Rochel Silber – Shows us the various ways to use gematria to find out the deeper meanings of our names. This is more of a participation video where you can find out more about the sources of your name and the nuances it can add to your life’s goals.

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Hebrew Letters

Seventy Faces – Small Letters

Rabbi Trugman – Tells us the significance of the small letters in the Torah. For example, the little heh at the beginning and how it foretold that its appearance would be put into Avraham’s name in the future. Additionally, the little aleph which is at the beginning of Leviticus which occurs on Rosh Chodesh Nissan and the many allusions of why its little including that Moshe wrote it small as an act of humility (Hashem is humble and Moshe emulates Hashem). If you would like to learn more about the small letters in the Torah please watch Rabbi Trugman’s video (~35 minutes).

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Weekly Torah Portion

Do the Ends Always Justify the Means?

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Shares about the weekly Torah Parasha (Tolidot) and a lot of different viewpoints and in depth thoughts about many aspects of the story of Yitzhak, Rivka, Esav, and Yaakov. One example was when Rabbi Breitowitz shared that when Yaakov deceived his father to capture Esav’s blessing with his mother’s help that Yitzhak actually new that Yaakov was standing in front of him and still gave him the blessing. In a sense he was testing Yaakov to see if he had the ability to go against his nature (which was truth) to be able to deal with rough people he would encounter is his life and survive them. The downside is by participating in the deception it affected his future life greatly with many deceptions he had to experience (ie. Lavan, Yosef) in the future parashas we will read in the subsequent weeks. If you are interested to learn more in depth about this parasha please watch the video in full (about 1 hour).

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