Personal Growth

Beyond The Resume – How To Choose A Job (Ep. 271) | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – Shares about the Torah view about how to find a job and the underlying reasons behind why. This information is really practical and has been presented in various forms across career sources but the emphasis on Torah values and Torah goals really adds to its relevance and validity more so than other sources. Why am I here? What is my purpose? Who am I? The focus on the career purpose as the means and not the end. So what are the ends? Listen and find out.

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Q&A – Physicality, Purpose & End of the Amidah (Rabbi Dovid Gottleib) (Jewish Philosophy)

Rabbi Dovid Gottleib – Answers various questions from Ohr Sameach students about Jewish Philosophy. One question in particular around the 14:00 minute mark of the video, focuses on what Rabbi Dessler says that there are the goals that we are meant to achieve in this World and separately but obviously related are the means in which we are given to achieve those goals. Prayer can only be effective in the former and not the later – if we to divert ourselves for our primary goal/mission in life it won’t work but if we pray to be given the means to achieve the primary goal than those prayers are more likely to be answered.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Parashat Yitro (Rabbi Dovid Kaplan) (Weekly Parsha)

Rabbi David Kaplan – Shares about the weekly Parsha (Yitro) with this last week’s parasha of the giving of the ten commandments.

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Personal Growth

Getting Unstuck From The Past and Blasting Forward | Soul Talk By Rabbi David Aaron

Rabbi David Aaron – Shares in this brief interview about how important our choices are but the results of those choices are in Hashem’s hands. We can take responsbility for our choices but not necessarily for the results. Even if things are going well its a good idea to still check in with someone (a mentor) because while you may be getting the results that you want you may still not be making the right choices. Most people base their choices based on the results rather than understand that the ultimate results are actually the integrity of your choices.

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Jewish Holidays

The True Meaning Of Tu B’shvat (Ep. 270) | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – Shares the underlying meanings of the “minor” holiday of Tu B’shvat. This includes the concept of it being the new year of the tries (parallel to how Rosh Hashanah is the new year of the World). Every year on Rosh Hashanah Hashem determines whether the World deserves another turn by it’s content and future promise of mitzvot and fulfilling Hashem’s plan. Similarly, trees represent the potential of it’s upcoming fruit ensuring it’s survival to bear that fruit.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! KLM: The Mitzvah of Lechem Mishneh from Ritual to Rich Jewel and Word for the table Mitzvah for life Parshas Yisro Shabbos is Our Soulmatewith Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – In these two !Short Clips! Rabbi Wegbreit shares both: The mitzvah of lechem mishneh (the double portion of manna that fell from heaven to the Jews for Shabbos) – and how we can remember that miracle that occurred every day for 40 years by pausing and thinking about that beautiful continuous miracle. And, the mitzvah from Parashat Yitro of sanctifying Shabbos through the Jews partnering with that day of the week. How do we “sanctify” something? We distinguish that day from other days. Just like we sanctify our wife in marriage (by distinguishing her from everyone else). Treating her special – treating Shabbos special!

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Embracing Your Inner Strength – Nissim Black

Nice inspiring hopeful message for a Monday to start off the week that Hashem believes in you regardless of the struggles. The World cannot exist without you. Every person is a World. We have tremendous power by talking to G-d.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Learn How to Redirect Your Destiny with Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston

Rabbi Aaron Dovid Poston – Gives over what the true definition is of the commonly used Hebrew phrase “mazal tov”. The word “mazal” is actually an acronym for the following: Makom, Zman, La’asot – which means that the person you are wishing “mazal” to should be at the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. That’s the greatest blessing you can have.

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Gedolei Torah

Baba Sali: A Beacon of Hope and Faith – Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser – Shares the life story of the Baba Sali including his holiness and the ability to give miracle brachot on the day of his Yahrzeit.

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The Secret To Crafting The Perfect Answer (Ep. 268) | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – Shares the concept of learning how to not focus on answering a question but on answering a questioner since each one has different motivations when asking questions. This helps us avoid getting stuck and stumbling at best and confrontational at worst. Good tips for Rabbis and regular folks alike.

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