
The Messianic Age | The Official Podcast of Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Shares some amazing insights on the messianic age and how we can make the best of our opporunities. How free will changes from now until the comiing of the Moshiach. The difference between Dovid and Gog/Magog in terms of the letters of each of those names. Also, how we can pray for the coming of Moshiach if we can’t grasp the true meaning but that we have faith that we know it will be ultimately good (even in light of the “birth pangs” to get there).

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How to Bring Mashiach By Rabbi Mendel Kessin

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – Shares a list of four points on how we can bring Moshiach and the one that is most indespensible surprisingly is learning the Mishnah (the Oral Law) – the only one of the four that must happen. Why is that? By learning the Mishnah, which can be completed within two years by learning six Moshnaot per day, we actually do the mitzvot in lieu of learning them this “doing” of all the mitzvot makes us “do” the entire Torah. Very interested concepts.

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Balaam and Moshiach (Parshas Balak) (HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz)

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares a very interesting connection between Balaam and Moshiach and additional facts related to Moshiach as it relates to Bar Kochba and false messiahs as well. There is a potential Moshiach in every generation but so far we have not been worthy of it manifesting.

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CHURCH CONVERTS TO JUDAISM (watch full story at

Yoel Gold – Shares an amazing story of our lost brothers and sisters people from the Inquisition of Spain that ended up in Columbia. Talk about must see TV! WOW!

For the Full Powerful Story click here –

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What’s Stopping Mashiach, Messiah from Coming? You’ll Be So Surprised By Rabbi Yitzchak Botton

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton – Shares the simple (not easy) formula to bring Moshiach right now! Are we up to the challenge (or too busy)?

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Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Raymond Sultan – Of the Sephardic Heritage Museum shows a video recently while on Har He’Zetim (The Mount of Olives) overlooking the Temple Mount and revealing the four letters of one of the many names of Hashem currently forming from the natural growth of foliage on the wall surrounding the Temple Mount. The signs of Moshiach coming are growing!

<Click on the picture below to go to the video>

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When will The Messiah appear again on Earth?

Rabbi Yom Tov Glazer – Shares the various different signs that appear in the times leading up to coming of Moshiach (the Messiah). One of the years given as potential for Him to come is Motse Shvi’i) – the year after the Sabbatical year. This was filmed in the time lead up to the previous Sabbatical year and coincidentally we are now 7 years later in present time just a couple months into this Motse Shvi’i.

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Moshiach Personal Growth The Afterlife

Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #67 | The Power of a Jew

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – In this Audio shiur (class), Rabbi Kessin details how powerful a Jew is spiritually and the huge responsibility that this implies.

Personal Thoughts – I thought the power of being Jewish was being part of the “chosen people” – being educated, being part of a long line of professional successes, etc. These are great accomplishments but not the reason or goal of being a Jew. According to the Torah and our Sages the ultimate goals are: tikun olam (fixing the World), helping bring G-d’s presence into this World, bringing the World closer to G-d, and infusing the spiritual into the physical. These will help bring about the World and our own personal redemption. Sounds like a big scary goal to say the least but it’s certainly different than what I used to strive for and seems much more important.

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Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #55 | The End of Time is Now [AUDIO]

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – In this audio shiur, Rabbi Kessin tells us the good news and bad news of our current times and that we are certainly currently in the last stage birth pains of Moshiach.

Personal Thoughts – Some of the content is tough to digest but especially during the Three Weeks the end result will be the Jewish People’s redemption and a new era – exciting times indeed!

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Suppress Anger, Act Empathetically

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shows us what we can do today to help bring Moshiach (the Messiah). Each of us carries a spark of Moshiach inside of us – to unlock that spark we simply have to transform our anger to empathy.

Personal Thoughts – Sometimes I look towards complicated ways to solve my personal problems and other problems as well. Rabbi Kalmus shows us such a simple approach on how to bring one of most important revelations this World will ever know. Simplicity is best!

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