!Short Clips! Jewish Holidays

Exclusive Tisha Bav Burst of Inspiration 5784 with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares about how we can have kavanah (intention) as we experience Tisha B’Av which starts tonight. As we traverse the various restrictions and prayers of the day of mourning we can get closer to the root cause of the problems we face today and come closer to Hashem and bring redemption to ourselves and the Jewish people.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Q&A: What’s happening when you stand in front of the grave of a Tzadik? and What should I do during Bein Hazmanim? Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

Rabbi Breitowitz – In these two specific questions in the Q&A Rabbi Breitowitz shared a relatively thorough and balanced view of visiting and praying by gravesites and what yeshiva students should do during their summer break (Bein Hazmanim).

The entire Q&A can be found here:

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Numerical Gems in the Torah – 42 Archetypal Journeys of Love

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Shares the 42 journeys Am Yisroel made in the desert are the analogous blueprint of the 42 journeys each one of makes during our lifetime. All those journeys together make up our path – some parts are short in distance some are long in distance some take more time some less (with variable times of rest in between).

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! The 3 Weeks: The Key To Redemption – Rabbi Daniel Glatstein

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein – Shares about the current period of time called the Three Weeks – the period of time between the 17th of Tammuz and the 9th of Av – an overall mourning time. These Three Weeks equate to 22 days, 528 hours – the number of verses in the Mishna – the basis of the oral law of the Torah. This teaches us to dedicate ourselves to Torah learning during this period of time to help bring the redemption.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Q&A: Is there a source in Torah for avoiding waste?Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares the Torah sources for not only avoiding waste but related topics such as recycling and not wasting food.

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!Short Clips!

Wednesday !Short Clips! – Rabbi Botton, Rabbi Trugman, Rabbi Brody, Rabbi Karmel

A collection of !Short Clips! covering topics from how to interpret the news through Torah tinged glasses, to secret numerical codes in the Torah, to how to become mega rich, and the amount of destruction on October 7th.

Don’t Read News Without the BIBLE! – Crazy World, Israel War, Jew Hatred, Messiah’s Near

Numerical Gems in the Torah – Secrets of the Number 248

Scars of the South: The Car Graveyard from Oct. 7, 2023

The Jewish Secret To Becoming Mega Rich!

Numerical Gems in the Torah – 137 -The Secret Number of Kabbalah and Physics

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!Short Clips! Q&A

!Short Clips! Q&A: What should one learn if he comes to Torah late in life? Can one eat a different hechsher when eating at someone else’s house? Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz

Rabbi Breitowitz – Shares some very important thoughts on these two questions that come up often for both newly religious and religious from birth folks. The Rabbi’s balanced and practical approach is not only appreciated by Jews looking to learn but helpful and inspiring in how we can apply it in the times we live in.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clip! Solving the Mystery of the Red Heifer, Parah Adumah – Rabbi Yitzchak Botton

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton – Shares how the most confusing and contradictory mitzva of the Parah Adumah actually uncovers the meaning of life. What is the mean of life? Helping others. Why? Because we are all one. Love your fellow as you love yourself.

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!Short Clips!

KLM: Obey the Commander: Everyone gains with Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares about the importance of realizing the intent of Hashem to be for our very best so we can accomplish our mission. Just like the army following their commanders orders so the mission is accomplished we can do the same by following our orders.

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!Short Clips!

!Short Clips! Korach – We Need You! | Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky and a Bonus Song by Yerachmiel Begun & The Miami Boys Choir “We Need You”

Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky – Shares how this weekly parasha (Korach) and how the Leviim had to be completely shaved like an egg and Korach’s wife told him that he was going to be humiliated and be unable to give anymore. This made him upset and caused him to rebel. The more we feel we can do and be useful the more alive we are. Empowermet is the true chinuch!

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