Weekly Torah Portion

No one is asking your opinion – Parashat Shemini

Rabbi Alon Anava – Reflecting on one part of this week’s parasha (Shemini) of Aaron Hakohen’s (the High Priest) two sons who died right after the dedication of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), Rabbi Anava gives one of the reasons given by our Sages as to why this happened in the midst of such a celebratory time in our Nation’s history. It takes some patience until the end of the lecture to get the entire point of lecture. Also, Shemini is of particular importance to me as it’s my bar mitzvah parasha (which feels out of place data wise due to this year being a shana mehuberet (Jewish leap year) as Shemini is about a month earlier than usual).

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Hebrew Letters

The secrets within your Name | Your name holds in it your purpose in life – Find out more!

Rabbi Alon Anava – Interesting class held in the U.S. several years ago explaining the significance of your name and the letters in your name and how it may aide you in giving a roadmap to your life’s purpose.

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Personal Growth

The secret how to end your challenges! Life is hard – why suffer?

Rabbi Alon Anava – Shares about how to deal with life on life’s terms without suffering and how to change your perspective to improve life’s outlook in general. A good dose of an attitude of gratitude is the overall theme of the video combined with a focus on the journey instead of destination thinking. I really enjoyed and felt empowered by this class.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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Lashon Harah – Introduction to the full course that will cover everything about Lashon Harah

Rabbi Alon Anava – This video is about the consequences both personally and globally of lashon harah (evil speech that is actually true and/or gossip). Obviously a very relevant topic of our time.

Personal Thoughts – This is a very difficult topic for me personally as although I’ve advanced in my spiritual condition over the years, when confronted with the topic of lashon harah I feel free far from any progress, except for the awareness that I’m far. I’ve read much information on the topic but it’s so difficult how to even grasp where to start. One Rabbi was asked how do you repent from speaking lashon harah and he said the analogy of taking a feather pillow and ripping it open on the top of a building on a windy day. Now that all the feathers have flown off go and collect all the feathers and put them back in the pillow. That’s how difficult it is to rectify lashon harah. Kind of a depressing topic to be honest but the first step is to try one little bit at a time to change what one says and hears.

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Jewish Holidays Prayer

Powerful secrets about Chanuka that will change your Chanuka experience completely

Rabbi Alon Anava – Continues this week’s Chanukah theme by sharing some deep secrets of how we can tap into the power of Chanukah and amplify the likelihood of our prayers being answered. The Rabbi gives us specific actionable guidance on how to approach lighting the candles to get the most out of the experience (instead of just going through the motions). Very helpful and interesting class.

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Hebrew Months

Elul – A hidden secret in the month of Elul + A Mitzvah to focus on during Elul

Rabbi Alon Anava – The Rabbi compares the mercy we get in the month of Elul to the mother’s womb and the birthing benefits this month can give us when we take advantage of it. Also, the power of tzedakah (charity) during this month and it’s affect on this Rosh Hashanah.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Hebrew Months

Elul – Important information to follow during Elul

Rabbi Alon Anava – The Rabbi shares with us a comprehensive to do list of what we can do daily to make the most of our efforts to do Tshuvah during the month of Elul.

Elul Worksheet can be found here –

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Weekly Torah Portion

Parashat Pinchas – The secret to success

Rabbi Alon Anava – The Rabbi shares with us concepts from the weekly Parasha (Pinchas) with an emphasis on persistence and consistency.

Personal Thoughts – Really enjoyed the Rabbi’s focus on being disciplined through consistency and how this is the formula to change my life.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:


Special prayer for the 23rd of Sivan (today)

Rabbi Alon Anava – On the 23rd of the month of Sivan (כג׳ סיון) the decree of Haman (At the time of Mordechai and Esther) to annihilate the Jewish nation was nullified. The holy books teach us that this day (today) is a very powerful day for prayers to nullify decrees and anything bad, evil and horrible against us.

Follow this link to find the prayers and text to read.

Personal Growth

Finding the ‘New Normal’ Frustrating? How To Get Out of the Maze of Confusion

Rabbi Alon Anava – This long lecture (friendly warning) focuses on what it really takes to be happy and a step-by-step list of how to work on this daily.

Personal Thoughts – This video taught me a comprehensive approach with actionable items to achieve happiness. Judaism gives me some incredible tools and resources to do this – grateful for this! Starts out a bit slow but by the end it really is a great video. Enjoy!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: