Jewish Holidays

Change the World by Learning Torah and Doing Mitzvot

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Great video on the meaning of the fast days throughout the year.

Personal Thoughts – Lots of info packed into this video. Some of the verbiage is a bit hard to understand but overall great.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

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Other Religions

The Real Story of X-mas & New Years Eve

This is a re-post of the post from last year at this time.

Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen shares the truth behind X-mas & New Years Eve and why Jews should re-consider their current viewpoint and disposition towards them. Perfect timing!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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Avraham Meyer Zajac – In these two videos Rabbi Zajac explains some details regarding whether we stand or sit during the Kaddish (an Aramaic prayer that is said often throughout Jewish prayer services when a minyan (quorum) of 10 men is present) and also what responses are said in the middle of Kaddish. Additionally, he adds some background on how the Lubabatcher Rebbe addressed the Kaddish and also some of the historical origins of certain responses. Lastly, included is a link to the Wikipedia page on a general outline of what the Kaddish means.

Shulchan Aruch, Din Aniyas HaKiddush Al Y’dei HaKahal 56:5

Shulchan Aruch, Din Aniyas HaKiddush Al Y’dei HaKahal 56:6

Wikipedia Page on Kaddish

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Personal Growth Weekly Torah Portion

Double Feature Monday – Rabbi Breitowitz and Rabbi Kalmus

The first video focuses on the two main characters in the beginning of this week’s Torah portion and what they represent globally speaking and how to we can relate this to our history. The second video emphasizes the theme of how we can gain self confidence without arrogance and the benefit this has for our spiritual life.

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz: The Tale of Two Moshiachs – Yehuda the Plower and Yosef the Harvester

Rabbi David Kalmus: The Secret to Self Confidence

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Personal Growth

The Main Obstacle to Emunah

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shares a very familiar topic that he has shared many times before. Consumption of secular/ philosophical thought (news, movies, etc) causes a major block to connection with Hashem. This is very hard to swallow for those of us who grew up in with Western thoughts and ideals and was and still is a big struggle with me personally. However, progress not perfection in the daily struggle is positive movement.

Newsletter – Rabbi Kalmus’s organization, Tzion Breslov Project, also started a newsletter that comes out before Shabbat – you can sign up for that free here as well:

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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!Short Clips!

Don’t Think Short Term (!Short Clips!)

I have such an amazing story to tell you!

Eli was in the luggage business.

He got an order from a wholesaler in Algeria for 10,000 pieces of Samsonite luggage. Eli doesn’t ship goods without pre-payments, so 2 weeks after the order came in, he received a check for $833,000, from his new customer in Algeria.

The strange thing was that afterward he called and emailed to find out where to ship the goods and the person was not returning his calls!

Two weeks later, the owner of a large chain of stores, in Algeria, called to say that unfortunately, his seller – who was Eli’s buyer from Algeria- died suddenly, and can he buy the suitcases directly from Eli?

Eli was certainly happy not to get stuck with 10,000 suitcases!

After he had received the money from the store owner, he called up his first customer’s widow and told her he had some money to return. The woman was so grateful and for some reason, asked if he minded speaking on skype. Eli had no problem.

As soon as the woman saw him she said: “You’re Jewish!”

What an incredible kiddush Hashem, when the stunned woman heard that the money Eli was returning wasn’t $830, not even $83,000, but $833,000!!

Now if that would have happened to us, what would you have done?

You may be thinking; “That is a little bit above my pay grade!”


You have to hear the rest of the story.

About 10 days after the woman received that check, a stretch limousine pulled up in front of Eli’s office. An Arab gentleman came into Eli’s office and bowed down to him. This was not a typical beginning of a meeting for Eli. The man said that he was a 1st cousin to the woman in Algeria and he was blown away by the “angel” who gave back almost a million dollars, when no one would have known!

As hakoras hatov he told Eli that he had great connections in Dubai and was planning to introduce him to his friends, who would love to do business with such an incredibly honest person.

In the end, through this one act of honesty, Eli was put on a path that led him to great financial success.

What’s the lesson we can learn?

Don’t think short-term!

Whether it’s in business or any nisayon you have, when you do the right thing what Hashem wants, ultimately Hashem will make you win!

Weekly Torah Portion

What was so special about Yosef’s interpretation?

Rabbi Moshe Pinto Shlita – Short video (around ~8 minutes) about what was unique of Yosef’s interpretation of Pharoe’s dream even though he was basically giving him the same interpretation as others did. Was it his presentation? Was it something intangible? Was it more dramatic? The answer Rav Pinto gives is pretty simple. Watch the video to find out.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

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Weekly Torah Portion

Parashas Mikeitz Rosh Chodesh Tevet 5782

“Sweet Up and Down” By Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus (copied here with permission)

There is a rhythm to life. We breath in and then out. We step with
our right foot, and then with our left. We sleep and then we awake.
We see for a moment, but then we blink.
Our Sages stated thousands of years ago that the world is not a
stagnant, fixed reality as it appears but that HaShem literally
recreates the physical universe at every single moment. Recently,
quantum physics has corroborated this ancient teaching, revealing
that the entire world is popping into and out of existence at each
instant, like the blink of an eye!
Our Sages also teach that man is called an “Olam Katan”, a small
world. Therefore, in some very profound way, we are also bursting
into and out of existence.
Until the wellsprings of the Ba’al Shem Tov began to spread forth,
our understanding of this reality remained obscure. However, the
Ba’al Shem Tov and the great Chassidic Masters dug down deep
and pulled out the most potent parallel between the pulsating nature
of man’s consciousness and the pulsating rhythm of the world.
Chassidus explains that man’s mind is in a constant state of
fluctuation between expansion and constriction. The source for the
ups and downs of life comes from an inner psycho-spiritual
dynamic known as “Ratzo v’Shov”, running and returning. In the
famous sixth lesson of Likutey Moharan, Rebbe Nachman utilizes
his powerful understanding of “Ratzo v’Shov”, to shed light on the
bipolar state of man and the key to attaining harmony with the
natural ebbs and flows of our mind.
At times Rebbe Nachman explains that we will be feeling
particularly good. We will have tranquility of mind. Our emotional
state will be joyful. Our actions constructive.

This is coming from an expanded state of consciousness known
as Mochin D’Gadlut. Then in one instant, our thoughts become
dark, our emotions turbulent, and our actions destructive. This is
coming from a constricted state of consciousness known Mochin
In the modern world, we seek psychotherapy for this pattern.
However, Rebbe Nachman explains that the problem is not in
the pattern itself, but how we respond to it. Put simply, in times
of expanded consciousness, our orientation to life should be
growth oriented and explorative, with an intense desire to
achieve a greater truth than the one we currently possess. The
focus being on climbing from rung to rung.
On the other hand, when constricted consciousness strikes, we
should not continue our quest for understanding and truth
seeking. Instead, we should empty our minds completely of
what we hold to be true, and simply believe that what is taking
place is for the very best. The focus being on not getting pushed
off the rung completely.
One might scoff at such a response as being ignorant and naïve.
However, the depths of this teaching runs very deep.
How does one actually achieve greater understanding? Rebbe
Nachman is telling us that when trouble strikes, your ability to
“know” is purposefully concealed from you by HaShem. At this
point your choice is either to resist, as we so often do, or to
believe more deeply. Once one’s belief and hope deepens, his or
her capacity to experience a higher truth paradoxically expands
along with it. When approached correctly, the constriction of
“knowing” paves the way for greater understanding

In this week’s Parashah, Yosef ends his twenty two year long
period of intense servitude and begins to become the most
influential and fruitful figure in the world. While this transition
might appear to be highly incongruent, it is actually Yosef’s
positive response to negative circumstances that created the
possibility for this sweeping transformation.
Our Sages teach us that while in prison, Yosef was a “jumping
man”. Yosef had accustomed himself to respond to his problems
with dancing and singing. He did not attempt to understand the
“unfortunate” circumstances of his life. Instead, he decided to
face them with the utmost faith and joy. As a result, he was able
to see the good in his life, and achieve greater clarity than those
around him. It was with this intense clarity, that he left prison
and became viceroy of the most powerful country in the world.
Rebbe Nachman teaches that only a person who becomes expert
in going up and down, can truly find his way back to HaShem,
and bring everyone along with him.
Yosef’s ability to go up and down successfully ultimately led to
his own personal redemption as well as that of everyone around
May HaShem bless us to know how to run and return like Yosef
HaTzaddik, facing our challenges with strength, simplicity, and
joy, and responding to our successes with an ever growing
yearning for greater understanding and clarity. With this, we will
find our way back to the One who loves us so dearly and waits
longingly for our true arrival.

Newsletter – If you are interested in Tzion Breslov Project’s weekly Shabbat newsletter you can sign up here:

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Jewish Holidays

KLM The Mitzvot of Chanukah – Mastering Appreciation and Gratitude

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – In this video, the Rabbi shows us how we can actually do something for Hashem (which seems kind of weird). We can “help” him by publicizing the miracle(s) of Chanukah by lighting our Chanukias (Menorahs). This lighting shows others that we are testifying that Hashem did this miracles for us. The next key the Rabbi reveals is we also need to understand ourselves that we are publicizing the miracle(s) instead of just lighting for lighting sake. So if we understand and we show others than we more fulfill our role in the Chanukah miracle(s) and our places in the story as well.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website:

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Jewish Holidays Prayer

Powerful secrets about Chanuka that will change your Chanuka experience completely

Rabbi Alon Anava – Continues this week’s Chanukah theme by sharing some deep secrets of how we can tap into the power of Chanukah and amplify the likelihood of our prayers being answered. The Rabbi gives us specific actionable guidance on how to approach lighting the candles to get the most out of the experience (instead of just going through the motions). Very helpful and interesting class.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

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