
Can Prayer Change G-d’s Mind? Yes & No – Philosophy vs. Kabbalah

Rabbi Yitzchak Botton – Shows us the relationship between prayer and repentance (teshuva) and how it can turn us into a new person, a new reality.

Personal Thoughts – The Rabbi shows me some very concrete benefits to prayer and how it can change me for the better so I can become the vessel for more blessing and what part I play in the process.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Weekly Torah Portion

The Half Sheqel All Lives Matter Equally

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Shares how the extra portions read on the Shabbatot before Purim has deep meaning to ourselves individually and the Jewish People as a whole.

Personal Thoughts – I really liked his story towards the end of this shiur about the genius music conductor, Arturo Toscanini, and how important each musician was to his master works and how this is analogous to how important each one of us is to Hashem’s master symphony.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Personal Growth

Making A Good Marriage Better – Not A Partnership – Shabbat Shalom!

Tod Jacobs, Dr. Peter Lyn, and Rabbi Dov Birbaum – Show us practical steps to build a marriage with a strong foundation (regardless of what stage the marriage is in).

Personal Thoughts – Love the way how they incorporate Jewish ideals of giving in marriage in a way that is doable and not overwhelming.

If you are interested in more videos like this please visit this YouTube Channel:

Weekly Torah Portion

Current Events and Weekly Torah Parsha (Mishpatim) – Shabbat Shalom!

Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi – Shares some current events from a mussar (ethics) perspective and events in the Weekly Torah Parsha (Mishpatim).

Personal Thoughts – Explains great Torah concepts while being funny and entertaining with lots of good things to say while cutting through the BS.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Personal Growth

Feeling Low? Start Dancing!

Rabbi David Kalmus – Sharing how clapping and dancing help you feel like you are coming home.

Personal Thoughts – Powerful lessons to start living my way into better thinking through song, dance, and clapping. We all just want to come home!

And a Bonus Short Clip:

How To Light Up Hashem’s Name Within Yourself Through The Mitzva of Tzedakah:

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Jewish Holidays

Mishenichnas Adar With Happiness and Love – !Short Clips!

Happiness is Not of This World:

True Love Comes from the Mind (Not the Heart):

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Personal Growth

What’s the Deal?

Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation – Powerful video on why we as Jews make a blessing not only on the good but on the (seemingly) bad as well.

Personal Thoughts – This has happened so many times in my own life but nonetheless continues to confound me time and time again….progress not perfection.

If you are interested in more videos like this please visit the following website:

Jewish Law (Halachah)

!Short Clip! – Alter Rebbe Shulchan Aruch – Dressing In the Morning (the Yarmulke)

Rabbi Avraham Zajac – This is a Short Clip video (less than four minutes) – explaining the interesting Halacha about why Jewish men wear a head covering (Yarmulke) at all times and a nice story of its great significance to one of our Sages.

Personal Thoughts – It’s great to learn the sources of why we as Jews do something – learning leads me to more learning and also to action. Shabbat Shalom!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this website:

Mussar (Ethics)

The True Power of Speech (Lashon Hara)

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – This video is actually almost 20 years old but the content really gives a very clear picture of why Lashon Hara (Evil Speech) is so destructive to us individually and also collectively as a Jewish people. The benefits of overcoming this insidious disease will help free us. The truth will really set us free!

Personal Thoughts – The video production and presentation is a bit distracting but the concrete clarity of the message was very educational for me. If you can look past those distractions (maybe even best just to listen to the audio only) it was a very good lecture. I’ve listened to some of Rabbi Kessin’s more current lectures and will try to post some in the future.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:


Suppress Anger, Act Empathetically

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Shows us what we can do today to help bring Moshiach (the Messiah). Each of us carries a spark of Moshiach inside of us – to unlock that spark we simply have to transform our anger to empathy.

Personal Thoughts – Sometimes I look towards complicated ways to solve my personal problems and other problems as well. Rabbi Kalmus shows us such a simple approach on how to bring one of most important revelations this World will ever know. Simplicity is best!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: