Weekly Torah Portion

Devarim – Growing Through Deuteronomy

Rabbi Trugman – Shares with us seven different meanings of just the first pasuk (sentence) of this week’s Torah portion. This starts the final book the the Five Books of Moses.

Personal Thoughts – I enjoy learning more about all the different aspects of the simple Torah text – the uncovered secrets so to speak. Our sages say that the Torah is as wide as the ocean – vast in scope and meaning.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Jewish Holidays

Unity: The Road from Destruction to Salvation

Rabbi Fischel Shachter – Shares some unique perspectives on how to turn destruction (those negative challenges in our lives) to salvation (the positive results of those negative challenges). Helps answer the common question of “why is this happening to me?”

Personal Thoughts – This video taught me a lot about perspective (the big picture) when going through tough life challenges. Don’t quit five minutes before the miracle!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel:

Personal Growth

KLM Baseless Hatred which is Misplaced and Finding Freedom from Negativity

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares a very simple way to divert our hate to the where it belongs – towards the destructive forces in our life (the yetzer hara – “the evil inclination”) which helps each of us do our part in bringing our collective redemption.

Personal Thoughts – This short exercise is very easy to do and easy to access which can help me get past negative feelings towards others in everyday life. Try it yourself and share it!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website:

Personal Growth

Rise Above the Challenge

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – In the third live class in Eretz Yisroel (in Ramat Beit Shemesh) the Rabbi shares a five point plan of action to deal with life’s challenges that we all may experience at some time during our life. This can be viewed as a practical guide to living that is sourced in Torah which is the basis of life itself and yields tangible results in our day to day life.

Personal Thoughts – This was the first class of Rabbi Kalmus that I attended in person. Although this video blog enables anyone to view a class or classes after the fact and is designed to help anyone learn Torah in the comfort of their own space, Rabbi Kalmus does emphasize that the best way to learn from a class is to attend it live, next to view it while it’s live, and lastly to watch the video afterwards. If you can attend the Rabbi’s future classes I highly recommend to make the effort. Hope you enjoy the class!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Jewish Holidays

Triple Topic Thursday

Posting three different videos on the topic of the Three Weeks – each giving its own valuable insight and perspective on this trying period of time in Jewish history until today.

Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller – The Meaning of Tisha B’Av and What it Should Mean to You

Rabbi Trugman – Seasons of the Soul – Why Calamities Reoccur During The Three Weeks

Rabbi Eliezer Botton – Laws of the Three Weeks


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Weekly Torah Portion

Parashat Pinchas – The secret to success

Rabbi Alon Anava – The Rabbi shares with us concepts from the weekly Parasha (Pinchas) with an emphasis on persistence and consistency.

Personal Thoughts – Really enjoyed the Rabbi’s focus on being disciplined through consistency and how this is the formula to change my life.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Jewish Holidays

Seasons of the Soul – The Three Weeks

Rabbi Trugman – Shares with us some more esoteric wisdom about the Three Weeks.

Personal Thoughts – There are many different ways to teach about the Three Weeks and due to the content it tends to be very negative. I enjoyed the way the Rabbi didn’t beat down the topic again and gave it a more uplifting hopeful bent on this period of time in Jewish History.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Personal Growth

Attitude of Gratitude and Kabbalah & Mysticism (!Short Clips!)

Two !Short Clips! by Rabbi Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz and Mr. Charlie Harary, Esq. on Kabbalah and Gratitude.

If you are interested in more videos like this please visit this YouTube Channel:


Weekly Hashkafa Shiur #55 | The End of Time is Now [AUDIO]

Rabbi Mendel Kessin – In this audio shiur, Rabbi Kessin tells us the good news and bad news of our current times and that we are certainly currently in the last stage birth pains of Moshiach.

Personal Thoughts – Some of the content is tough to digest but especially during the Three Weeks the end result will be the Jewish People’s redemption and a new era – exciting times indeed!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this YouTube Channel: