Personal Growth

From Struggle to Tzaddik (Q&A)

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus and Gedale Fenster – This video is a Q&A with some great questions on how to deal with some of life’s difficult situations in a spiritual way.

Personal Thoughts – This is a short nugget of a video with some very deep yet very simple concepts that I can implement in my daily life right now. Frustration relief!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Jewish Law (Halachah)

Introductory Overview to Studying Halachah (Jewish Law)

Rabbi Avraham Meyer Zajac – This video is a very clear explanation of the development and the codification of Jewish Law (Halachah) from the Torah to the beginning of Chabad (246 years ago). (this video could not be embedded so this link takes you to the video on the website)

Personal Thoughts – I’ve been looking to start studying Halachah (Jewish Law) by learning two Halachot per day. However, my preferred method is to watch videos as I absorb the material better that way. However, looking around I don’t see much and certainly not much in an organized fashion. Rabbi Zajac and Chabad have a very organized video series methodology which shows also by how well this particular video presents the introduction. This viewpoint is the Halachah as expounded upon by the first Rebbe of Chabbad (the Alter Rebbe, R’ Schneur Zalman of Liadi). Please reach out if you have another video Halachah series presented in an orderly fashion (’s email is – listen towards the end as it relates to why we make Challot (bread) for Shabbat (and Holidays) the way we do.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit this website:

Personal Growth

Narrow Your Eyes

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Rabbi Kalmus shows us that everything is good and everything “bad” in life is for that ultimate good.

Personal Thoughts – It’s so easy to go into Yeiush (Despair) especially now during the current lock-down pandemic times. This video gave me hope that everything we experience collectively and experience personally is for our/my ultimate good. Keep my eye on the prize so to speak. Everything happens for a reason and ONLY because of Hashem’s love.

Rosh Chodesh (Shevat) Tov!

Shabbat Shalom!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:


KLM – Part 2 – A Single Psalm is Packed with Mitzvot

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – tells us how we can have deep kavanah (intention) when reading Psalms (Tehillim) particularly for healing to those that are currently sick. Also all the mitzvot we are fulfilling when we do this.

Personal Thoughts – This taught me the importance of having kavanah (intention) when doing the various mitzvot and a step by step approach how to do this. It is difficult to not do mitzvot out of habit but to overcome this at least some of the time can greatly increase my spirituality and closeness to Hashem. Work in progress here!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website:


Remarks from Siyyum on Masechet Makkot

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – This video is Rabbi Kalmus Siyyum which is a celebration for a completion of learning a tractate of Talmud (which could take months of intense learning). It usually includes reciting the last couple verses in the Talmud section and expounding upon it.

Personal Thoughts – The video has some very powerful global ideas about the concept that we have to fall (sometimes quite hard) before we rise – that the fall itself predicts the rise (so its actually a positive). My experience in my own life reflects this concept so I really identified strongly with his Siyyum talk.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:

Weekly Torah Portion

Vayechi – Growing Through Genesis

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Through this weeks parsha we learn many spiritual concepts through the blessing Yaakov gives Ephraim and Menashe, including the Sefirot (common term in Kabalah) and enclothment.

Personal Thoughts – The video started off slow for me but it was just the setup for some very deep spiritual concepts. In the last 1/3 of the lecture the Rabbi talks about the concept of enclothment which was very enlightening and certainly shed some light for me about why the World is the way it is. Hope you get a lot out of it.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:


Simcha in Tehillim (aka Happiness in Psalms)

Rebbetzin Rochel Silber – shares how to attain happiness by learning the Tehillim (Psalms) written by King David (and in the honor of our young teenage children).

Personal Thoughts – Although this was given over on Chanukah, the concept of inner joy being permanent in a temporary World are very much still relevant. That happiness is inplanted in my very nature from birth – it just needs to be re-discovered. The Rebbetzin shows me how learning the Tehillim (Psalms) gives me opportunity to uncover this opportunity to be happy. This helps overcome the current worldly distractions that are meant to make me nervous and give me anxiety (the battle for my mind).

If you are interested in more videos from this Rebbetzin please visit this YouTube Channel:

Personal Growth

Bitul: Set Aside Your Ego

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – shares with us how to nulify our ego in the face of life’s difficulties.

Personal Thoughts – I certainly have my share of anger problems and and the Rabbi’s lecture really gives actionable advice on how to deal with it and how the coping mechanisms not to. conveniently this is the month (Teves) to focus on it. Adam & Eve, Rosh Hashanah, ego, simplicity, and asking for help. Enjoy!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel:


“Why I Donated My Kidney to A Stranger”

Rebbetzin Lori Palatnik – shares an amazing story on her experience donating her very own kidney to someone she had never met.

Personal Thoughts – Like many others I’m sure, I thought this is crazy! But hearing the entire story couldn’t help but be in awe of the Rebbetzin’s selflessness on the one hand and the inspiration to become a better giver on the other. Must see!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rebbetzin please visit this YouTube Channel:

Personal Growth

The Secret of Happiness

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – shares how the key to connection with Hashem is through the mitzvot and how the physical is a reflection of the spiritual.

Personal Thoughts – This is a very deep lecture (although there are some distractions so keep that in mind when watching it). Sometimes when I can’t get any clarity while doing various mitvot it plain just confuses me – this video helped put some things together more concretely that everything is just part of a master plan. It was pretty deep so I needed to review it multiple times. Hope you enjoy it. In case you don’t want to watch the whole video, I’ve clipped out a few “!Short Clips!” from this lecture and posted them here – – and they are all dated “(13 Tevet 5781)”.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his YouTube Channel: