Jewish Holidays

KLM Making the Omer Count

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares great insight on how to recite the Omer with intention, meaning, and purpose this year.

Personal Thoughts – I counted tonight with Rabbi Wegbreit’s video in mind and it felt less robotic and more meaningful (even though I probably missed all the bases the Rabbi covered but I’ll keep at it). Try it yourself!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website:

Jewish Holidays

KLM A Pesach Epiphany of Freedom, Amaze the Angels and The 4 Cups

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shares with us some ways on how to have kavanah (intent) when we celebrate Pesach (Passover) this year. Also, he has some free giveaways available to help us enjoy the Seder.

Personal Thoughts – I enjoy learning about the many aspects of every mitzvah I do. My goal is to get closer to my Creator and my challenge is how to not always just to stay focused on the action (mitzvah) but the intent of why I’m doing it in the first place.

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website:

Jewish Holidays

KLM Practical Steps How to Increase Joy in Adar

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shows us concrete steps on how we can actually increase your joy in the month of Adar and fulfill four separate mitvot in the process.

Personal Thoughts – To be honest, sometimes its just not that easy to be happy. Living my way into better thinking through actions (a.k.a. fake it until you make it) is on way to do it. Just do it – be happy!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website:


KLM – Part 2 – A Single Psalm is Packed with Mitzvot

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – tells us how we can have deep kavanah (intention) when reading Psalms (Tehillim) particularly for healing to those that are currently sick. Also all the mitzvot we are fulfilling when we do this.

Personal Thoughts – This taught me the importance of having kavanah (intention) when doing the various mitzvot and a step by step approach how to do this. It is difficult to not do mitzvot out of habit but to overcome this at least some of the time can greatly increase my spirituality and closeness to Hashem. Work in progress here!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website:


Kavanah For the Mitzvos of Spirituality

KLM Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – shows us that there are nine mitzvot from the Torah for just the bracha (blessing) over a glass of water and the drinking of the water combined.

Personal Thoughts – The Rabbi gave me an opportunity to connect with Hashem in nine different ways over a simple glass of water. Just concentrating on all that keeps me so busy thinking about the good that it helps push away all the negativity. Try it for yourself! (Note: This video might be a little heavy for the uninitiated – the way I approach it is when viewing a video a little beyond where I’m currently holding religiously is just try to get one beneficial concept out of it – like I mentioned in the about section on this blog ( – “take what you want and leave the rest” – hope this helps!)

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website:

Jewish Holidays


Chanukah – Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – shares how to make this years Chanukah more meaningful and relevant to your life today.

Personal Thoughts: This video really helped me appreciate Chanukah – not only for explaining how many mitzvot are within lighting the Menorah, saying the blessings, and even singing “Maoz Tzur”. This new perspective will help me celebrate Chanukah with more joy, kavanah, and simcha. Hope you get a lot out of it as well. Chag Chanukah Sameach!

If you are interested in more videos from this Rabbi please visit his website: