
Does My Free Will Affect You – Part 1

Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz – Interesting discussing about the nature of free will and how my free will affects (or does not affect) anothers free will and the deep philosophical discussion on how to handle the inherent conflicts of this subject. Fascinating and sometimes confusing class and the cliffhanger that challenges what we may hold as true and why and the sources in the Torah.

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Weekly Torah Portion

Multi Feature Monday

There were so many good videos recently so posting them all at once. Please watch and share what seems interesting and leave the rest that don’t. Short summaries follow here:

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz: Sanctifying the Physical World
Short summary of the most recent weekly Torah parashah.

The Book of Numbers – Parshat Sh’lach
Short summary of the most recent weekly Torah parashah.

Finding What You’re Looking For I Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus
Further discussion of the story of the Lost Princess and how to find meaning in everyday life.

Who do you turn to when in need of advice? – Parashat Shelach – Rabbi Alon Anava
Discussion of the importance of doing your part and not relying on others to do it for you.

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KLM: Easy Mitzvos Series: The Amazing Spirituality of the Mezuzah

Rabbi Asher Baruch Wegbreit – Shows us the simple path to doing the easy mitzva of mezuzah and how to get the most out of it. Not so much effort in the physical sense but instead making “intentional” effort in the mental sense yielding great benefits and those benefits can lead to a stronger spiritual connection to Hashem individually and collectively.

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Jewish Holidays

The second you give up that’s when you lose – Parashat Beha’alotecha

Rabbi Alon Anava – Brings back the topic of Pesach Sheni which we actually had on the Jewish calendar over a month ago but is brought up again in this week’s Torah Portion. Why is there a second chance for the holiday of Pesach (Passover) specifically? Why are there no second chances for other Jewish holidays? What is so special about Pesach that it “requires” a second chance? Why are we talking about this now (isn’t it too late)? Why is this related to Brit Milah (circumcision)? Listen to the calls by Rabbi Anava to learn the answers to these questions.

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The Meaning of the Ten Sefirot

Rabbi Yom Tov Glazer – Shares with us a more easily understood version of what the Ten Sefirot outlined in the teachings of the Kabbalah mean. Rabbi Glazer uses simple everyday examples to detail each Sefirah making it really easy to understand – making what it sometimes a complicated and esoteric topic more easily understood for the layman.

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Personal Growth

Challenges are opportunities for success

Rabbi Moshe Pinto – Shares with us the why of challenge and struggle prior to the good that comes from it. This is extenuated greatly now because we are in Shnat Shmittah (the 7th or Sabbatical Year) on the Jewish calendar. Rabbi Pinto explains that the negative struggle is actually the vessel for the good that comes from it and without it there would be no borders for the good to exist. Very in depth and detailed explanation that brings awareness to this apparent dichotomy of good and bad, struggle and redemption.

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Rebbetzin Rochel Silber – Perek 40

Rebbetzin Rochel Silber – Reveals how King David’s life and history was laid out in the Book of Ruth and in the Chumash (Five Books of Moses) itself and how he expressed this in Tehillim (Psalm #40). We can use this inspiration to tap into our own energy and life’s purpose.

Tehillim 55:

Shir Hashirim at Alot Hashachar and what beginners should focus on:

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General Torah

Seventy Faces – A Measure for Measure

Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman – Explains the concept of “measure for measure” or otherwise commonly known and cause and effect – that governs the law of nature. Rabbi Trugman shows us examples of some instances of this concept in our history and also how contemporary science views it today and how that was already laid out in the Torah. Fascinating explanation of the variance effect of pure cause and effect corresponding to the addition of mercy and grace to strict justice.

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Personal Growth

The Inherent Point of Good

Rabbi David Yisrael Kalmus – Nice motivational video on the inherent good in each one of us regardless of our circumstances and the destructive “Western thought” that is taking away that goodness. In reality there is no despair at all, just be happy! Being joyful always IS the solution.

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Jewish Holidays

G-d Gave Away His Torah to His Partners in Creation

Rabbi Yitzchak Breitowitz – Interesting take on when did the Jewish people really receive the Torah and why it’s not necessarily accurate that we received it specifically on Shavuot like we typically celebrate. Most important however is how and why G-d gave us the Torah to help in forming the Laws instead of just telling us exactly what to do.

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